Thursday, May 15, 2014


Former Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner has a new book out in which he claims the White House tried to coerce him into spinning the truth about the economy.  In an interview with Bret Baier of FOX NEWS, Geithner now says that was not the case.  One can only surmise that his book caused a flap within White House walls and that someone told him to back off the claim... or else.  

You may remember when Gethner was named to be Treasury Secretary that it was discovered he had understated his taxable income for a few years and then amended his returns after his nomination.   So, you have to take that into consideration when assessing the validity of anything he says today.  Therefore, it is possible that the claim in his book was misrepresented, or misstated, or edited by others to create the wrong impression.  Correct? 

Whatever the answer might really be, it is obvious Geithner is to blame for talking out of both sides of his mouth. 

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