Friday, August 15, 2014


The Social Security Administration has just spent over $300 million in upgrades to its computer system.  They were having difficulties in keeping up with the surge in disability claims.  

Now, six years later after the project got underway, things seem to have gotten worse.  In 2008, Social Security said the project was about two to three years from completion. Five years later, it was still two to three years from being done, according to a report by McKinsey and Co., a management consulting firm.  The feds still can't say when it will be done or how much it will cost.  

It could be, I suppose, that Lois Lerner's emails are to blame.  When they "disappeared" into cyberspace, they could have landed on the new Social Security system and caused all of these new problems.  All I know is that there are quite a few imbeciles in government who are hiring quite a few more imbeciles to spend one helluva lot of our money on technological advances that will probably never materialize. 

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