Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Monday, September 21, 2015


Now that the nuclear "deal" with Iran is a done deal, Iran has admitted that it's uranium reserves are much, much higher than they previously said.  Assessments of Iran's reserves going into the final days of the "deal" were that Iran's supply of raw uranium ore showed they were running very low, or almost out.  

Under the deal, Iran will still be able to pursue a nuclear-energy development program, for which the uranium could be used.  The ability to create weapons-grade uranium is just one, short step away.  

Maybe this news comes as a result of more skewed intelligence information being connived by the Obama administration for American public consumption?

Friday, September 18, 2015


As long as we're making such great "deals" with the Iranians, I wonder if they'd consider trading those four American hostages for...

Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl.  

Thursday, September 17, 2015


The game plan of sheer and ultimate Obama brilliance must have been conceived over more than one beer in the Rose Garden: they would take 5,000 moderate Islamics and train them with advanced military techniques, and then use them to unite against ISIS and clean up the terroristic mass.  But, after spending $41 million, only 51 had signed up and passed muster requirements.  The military, anxious to prove to Obama what a great idea this was and trying to justify the humongous expense, sent the 51 into battle.  Within days, the numbers had dwindled to "4 or 5."  The rest were either killed or fled into the desert.  

In the meanwhile, Putin and his comrades have set up an air base in Syria and they've been shipping in troops, arms, aircraft, missiles, tanks and other military goods both by air and by sea.  As Obama and Kerry are left speechless in the bathroom next to Hillary's email server, Putin comes right out and says it: America's handling of ISIS has been "ineffectual."  

Well, now there are three of us... you, me and Vladimir Putin... who know who to blame for this mess. 

Wednesday, September 16, 2015


In the latest undercover video to be released, Dr. Carolyn Westhoff, Senior Medical Advisor for PPFA, admits that Planned Parenthood provides buyers with absolutely fresh  hearts, eyes and “gonads” of unborn babies.  She further admits that Planned Parenthood would get really bad publicity if the word ever got out.  

But, don't worry about Planned Parenthood being defunded.  Obama is adamantly against defunding the organization and the Republican-controlled Congress is therefore scrambling to put the best very spin on why they won't interfere. 

Monday, September 14, 2015

Thursday, September 10, 2015


Yesterday afternoon, we learned that John Boehner may not even allow a vote on the Iranian Nuclear "Deal" in the House.  Any debate on the issue has been delayed.  Under the legislation passed this spring that gave Congress a say in the nuclear deal, lawmakers have until September 17 to approve or disapprove the accord. If they do nothing, it goes into force.  

In the interim, the White House has said that even if Congress were to find some way to cancel the "deal" at this point, it will not enforce sanctions. 

So, it appears that any opposition to the "deal" is now crumbling.  This is in face of the fact that the overwhelming majority of Americans are against it.  

No wonder Americans are pissed off.... and justifiably so.   

Wednesday, September 09, 2015


While saying it did nothing wrong, the White House has been adamantly refusing to provide any information as to whether or not it ordered the IRS to provide it with sensitive information about political opponents.  Now, a federal judge has ordered the White House to reveal any such requests it made to the IRS, citing as the court’s authority the same law that was passed to protect citizens from federal officials in the wake of the Watergate scandal.  The decision could give more credence to claims that the White House was involved in the targeting of its political opponents.  

Of course, there will be an appeal, and an appeal to the results, and an appeal to that and by then... Obama will be out of office and hiding out in a cave on Mt. Denali.  

Tuesday, September 08, 2015


Certainly, the guy who Hillary paid to operate and maintain her private server could shed some light on the email situation, right?  He might even be able to testify that her emails were never classified and that the server could never be hacked anyway, thereby assuring the public that everything was hunky dory.  

There's only one slight problem: He's refusing to testify.  He's pleading the 5th.  

Well, you're only supposed to plead the 5th when there's a possibility what you have to say might land your posterior in the hoosegow.  But, if what you have to say might land your boss in jail instead and you clam up, who's to know the difference?   

Just sayin'............

Wednesday, September 02, 2015


We have another senseless shooting of a cop and who knows how many murders on the streets of Chicago, Baltimore, Los Angeles, Detroit, New York and St. Louis.  The argument is made that we have to have more and tighter gun control in the country; we really need to get rid of guns altogether.  After all, when we enacted tough laws against drunk driving, the number of car deaths caused by drunks on the road plummeted, didn't it?  

Well, we didn't get rid of all the vehicles on the road just because we had some drunk drivers; we went after the drunk driving problem.  And so it is, we need to enact laws and social reforms that will get the bad apples in the country away from guns.  Nobody can disagree with that.  You can't blame the responsible law-abiding gun owner for crime any more than you can blame the law-abiding car owner for drunk-driving deaths. 

Tuesday, September 01, 2015


Donald Trump says guns are not the problem in America... mental illness is.  

Well, he's right.  I've been saying for years that the real problem is a societal one, and society's problems do cause mental problems.  In talking about the lone wolf and the Virginia shootings, Trump said,  "In the old days, they had mental institutions for people like this, because he was really, definitely borderline and definitely would have been and should have been institutionalized.  At some point, somebody should have seen that.  I mean, the people close to him should have seen that."  

Of course, it would not be politically correct to call the guy a "nut case."  But, Trump's right: It's not me who is to blame, nor is it the fault of the gun in my holster.