Wednesday, September 02, 2015


We have another senseless shooting of a cop and who knows how many murders on the streets of Chicago, Baltimore, Los Angeles, Detroit, New York and St. Louis.  The argument is made that we have to have more and tighter gun control in the country; we really need to get rid of guns altogether.  After all, when we enacted tough laws against drunk driving, the number of car deaths caused by drunks on the road plummeted, didn't it?  

Well, we didn't get rid of all the vehicles on the road just because we had some drunk drivers; we went after the drunk driving problem.  And so it is, we need to enact laws and social reforms that will get the bad apples in the country away from guns.  Nobody can disagree with that.  You can't blame the responsible law-abiding gun owner for crime any more than you can blame the law-abiding car owner for drunk-driving deaths. 

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