Thursday, September 17, 2015


The game plan of sheer and ultimate Obama brilliance must have been conceived over more than one beer in the Rose Garden: they would take 5,000 moderate Islamics and train them with advanced military techniques, and then use them to unite against ISIS and clean up the terroristic mass.  But, after spending $41 million, only 51 had signed up and passed muster requirements.  The military, anxious to prove to Obama what a great idea this was and trying to justify the humongous expense, sent the 51 into battle.  Within days, the numbers had dwindled to "4 or 5."  The rest were either killed or fled into the desert.  

In the meanwhile, Putin and his comrades have set up an air base in Syria and they've been shipping in troops, arms, aircraft, missiles, tanks and other military goods both by air and by sea.  As Obama and Kerry are left speechless in the bathroom next to Hillary's email server, Putin comes right out and says it: America's handling of ISIS has been "ineffectual."  

Well, now there are three of us... you, me and Vladimir Putin... who know who to blame for this mess. 

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