Tuesday, October 27, 2015


Hillary Clinton says the V.A. crisis isn't all that big of a deal and that the problem is largely being manufactured in the minds of Republicans.  She blames the Republicans for using the issue as part of an "ideological agenda" and accused the GOP of wanting the V.A. to "fail."  

Well, I'm a veteran and I am offended.  This women has a history of mistreating the military wherever she goes.  She's worse, in my book, than Jane Fonda.  

How anybody in their right mind can consider this "woman" to be a viable candidate for president is beyond me.  She's a liar, a fabricator, a manipulator of the worst kind.  How can anyone possibly look up to that?  

We've already had almost eight years of this type of thinking at the helm of our country.   Why should we want more?  

She's white trash, pure and simple.  

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