Thursday, November 12, 2015


The Obama "team" would have us believe that their blanket release of 6,112 convicts from prison will have absolutely no adverse effects on American safety... none... zilch... nada.  

You and I know that even if a lousy 3% of those convicts cause another crime... that's 180+ crimes, presuming they only do one crime each.  The fact is that within five years of release, 76.6% will commit another crime, according to 014 recidivism statistics.   

That, my friends, amounts to 4,682 more crimes assuming each convict only commits one crime. 

Well, the "team" says, these guys were only in there for drug offenses.  You and I know that is not the truth; it's one more big, fat and ugly Obama lie.  Most of them plead bigger offenses down.  Most of these crimes were associated with other crimes, such as burglary and strong-armed robbery.   Some of these crimes involved selling illegal drugs to minors and ruining their lives.  

On average these criminals have been in federal prison for nine years.  You don’t have to be a sheriff to realize that a felon after nine years in jail isn’t going to be adding much value to the community. At least a third are illegals and felons so they can’t work. What do you think they are going to do... sell poppies on the street corner?” 

No parole board weighed in on any of these cases; there was no review on an individual basis.   

Everyone I speak to is ticked off over this arbitrary and illegal move by Obama, made without debate or advice from competent law enforcement people.  And yet, no one has lifted a finger... not one... to stop it.  

Who do you blame for that?  

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