Thursday, March 31, 2016


A United Airlines pilot, Bruce Wayne Wallis, was arrested recently on charges that he and another person were running six Houston-based brothels.  He reportedly had at least 20 mostly Russian workers from which he was making $400 per week... each. 

I suppose that if the employees had been Mexican illegals drawing American benefits and voting Democrat that nobody would have said a word.  

Wednesday, March 30, 2016


We all conjecture what would happen if the FBI recommended indictments against Hillary; what would Loretta Lynch do? 

Here's something that might shed some light on the subject: there's a connection between Lynch and Hillary.  Hillary used Lynch's law firm to handle her tax situations beginning in 2004.  In addition, according to, Hogan & Hartson in Virginia filed a patent trademark request on May 19, 2004, for Denver-based MX Logic Inc., the computer software firm that developed the email encryption system used to manage Clinton’s private email server beginning in July 2013. A tech expert has observed that employees of MX Logic could have had access to all the emails that went through her account.  

No wonder she's not worried about what the FBI discovers.  

Tuesday, March 29, 2016


While Hillary and her aides continue to profess profound innocence regarding Hillary's emails and her private, illegal server, the heat is being turned up by the F.B.I.  Agents have been gathering a mountain of evidence and testimony, and they are now ready to start questioning Hillary and her aides.  The problem for them is that they don't know what the F.B.I. knows and the feds are not talking.  

Should they fib when the questioning takes place, that's a felony.  If they tell the truth, they could end up doing some prison time. 

Unless of course, Obama grants them a presidential pardon.  Or, they could refuse to answer questions and Obama could claim Executive Privilege like he did for Eric Holder.  However it turns out, you can expect it to be a long, hot summer in D.C.  

Monday, March 28, 2016


In a purely sleazy move, Ted Cruz arranged for the publishing of a nude picture of Melania Trump along with a caption asking if you really wanted her to be your first lady.  Melania, as it turns out, was a nude model prior to meeting and marrying Trump.  Of course, when the stuff hit the fan, Cruz finally came out and claimed he didn't have anything to do with that ugly trick.  

If you've been following the Republican presidential campaigns, you know and understand that Trump has never initiated any dirty tricks or nasty commentary; Cruz, on the other hand, is responsible for numerous dirty tricks which have gone far beyond the pale. 

Now, faced with an overwhelming backlash from his political enemy, Cruz is trying desperately to switch the blame to Trump, feigning indignity and essentially labeling Trump a sexist pig.  

It appears to me from afar that Trump would like to become president because he honestly and firmly believes that America under Obama is in serious trouble and that he has the wherewithal to combat and reverse the damages.  Cruz, on the other hand, seems to be so obsessed with capturing the power of the office that he is willing to totally sacrifice his proffered evangelical foundations in order to achieve his goal.  

And now, he blames us for being "dumb enough" to vote for Trump, who has had the "audacity and temerity" to expose Cruz for what he really is.   

Friday, March 25, 2016


Former presidential candidate Mitt Romney has let his flaming bigotry out of the closet.  Speaking at a NRCC fundraiser Tuesday night, he cracked: "Donald Trump has had several foreign wives. It turns out that there are really are jobs Americans won't do."  

He surely wears his imbecility on his sleeve, doesn't he?  And he's the darling of the Republican establishment?  

Thursday, March 24, 2016


Between 2009 and 2013, over 680,000 Green Cards were issued to incoming citizens from Muslim countries, such as Pakistan, Iraq, Bangladesh, Iran, Egypt, Somalia, Uzbekistan, Turkey, Morocco, Jordan, Albania, Lebanon, Yemen, Indonesia, Syria, Sudan, and Afghanistan.  It is unknown how many of those returned home, how many are still here or where they are. 

Immigrants from Muslim-run nations are the fastest-growing migrant bloc in the U.S., and we have no reliable system to vet them or to predict their intentions.  

Just like Belgium, France and other European nations, we have allowed ourselves to become sitting ducks... and we have a president who at the very least has no sense of urgency about the prospects and outwardly displays indifference to the consequences.  

Wednesday, March 23, 2016


We know that ISIS didn't do it; they're only a junior varsity team, a bunch of high school drop out thugs.  They're certainly not radical and they're not Islamics. Furthermore, the bombings in Brussels can't be all that important, inasmuch as Barack attended a baseball game in Cuba and participated in "the wave." 

Just think about what has happened to the world in these last seven years of Obama "leadership."  Doesn't that inspire you to vote for Hillary, so we can have another four or eight years of the same?  

Tuesday, March 22, 2016


We're not to blame right now, but if we allow the Republican hierarchy, the "establishment," to dictate to us who our party's nominee must be or cannot be...

Then, we will most surely all be to blame.  

Monday, March 21, 2016


Netanyahu has cancelled a scheduled visit with Obama later this month, saying he doesn't want to have an official visit to the United States during an election season.  Barack and his White House cronies are calling it a "snub," and are insisting that Netanyahu is guilty of talking down to the president during their last visit.  

Evidently, Netanyahu was trying to convince Obama that Israel was in desperate fear about the consequences of the then-pending Iran "deal."  Obama freaked out, saying: “Bibi, you have to understand something.  “I’m the African American son of a single mother, and I live here, in this house. I live in the White House. I managed to get elected president of the United States. You think I don’t understand what you’re talking about, but I do.” 


Wednesday, March 09, 2016


This blog will be suspended for a few days due to a death in the family. 

Tuesday, March 08, 2016


Unlike their U.S. counterpart, the Philippines has no trouble dealing with North Korea.  They've impounded the M/V Jin Teng, a North Korean cargo ship which arrived Thursday at Subic Bay, a former U.S. naval base which is now a key commercial port and they are deporting the 21 crewmen.  The 4,355-ton vessel is among 31 ships listed as being North Korean owned and that should be held under a United Nations "assets freeze" order, Philippine Foreign Assistant Secretary Gary Domingo said.  

The North Koreans are now busy winding up their nukes.  

Monday, March 07, 2016


The more I think about the fact that the Republican hierarchy has essentially acknowledged the errors of its ways by saying that it "understands" why voters are upset with the way they have been running things in Washington, while at the same time refusing to say that they will straighten out their collective act... the more angry I become.   

In fact, I'm livid. 

They're acknowledging things are screwed up, but they're flatly and adamantly refusing to take the blame for it or to do anything about it.  In fact, by going after somebody who wants to change it, they are not only demanding the right and privilege to continue screwing Party members and Americans, but they are dictating to us how we shall vote.  

May the fleas of a thousand camels infest their armpits.  May they spend eternity in a hell full of Barack Obamas.  

Friday, March 04, 2016


Mitt Romney and the GOP have made it abundantly clear: they refuse to accept anyone who does not meet their criteria as their presidential nominee.  They sound just like Obama... my way or the highway.   

I guess the only way to change their minds is for we, the people, to vote against every single Republican candidate for every office come November... or not to vote at all.   

Maybe then they'll get their heads out of their rear ends and come to understand that WE run the party, not them.  

Thursday, March 03, 2016


There is a growing number of shootings in churches, and many flocks are deciding to hire armed guards and to encourage licensed concealed-carry among attendees.  

Anti-gunners are screaming load and clear that guns don't belong in churches.  Yet, most mass shootings in this country occur in "gun-free" zones where everyone except the criminal is unarmed... such as churches, public schools, work sites and college campuses.   
The mentally disturbed and terrorists don't care whether you're in a house of worship or an open mall; if they know you are unarmed, you're a target.  Maybe we should round up all of the anti-gunners, put them in a "gun free zone" and let whatever is going to happen, happen?  

Wednesday, March 02, 2016


Based on recent comments from Attorney General Loretta Lynch, former U.S. Attorney Joseph diGenova is confident Department of Justice prosecutors have convened a grand jury in the Hillary Clinton email case.  He says he is confident the FBI is in the process of developing a solid criminal case against her.  

That would certainly explain why there have been no charges yet filed or recommended by the FBI.  Such a move would preclude Loretta Lynch from being able to stop a prosecution; if a grand jury indicts, she has no choice but to prosecute, although she could delay it.    
So, how does this play out?  Hillary picks Michelle as her running mate, wins the White House and then resigns?  
Oh, shame on me!  Maybe I should switch brands of gin.   

Tuesday, March 01, 2016


Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has come out and said that the Republican Senate will drop Donald Trump "like a hot rock" if he wins the Republican nomination.  And if he wins the presidency?  

Obviously, the Republicans still do not understand that the vast majority of the party membership is sick and tired of their bullshit.  

And who do you think they're going to blame when they all get booted out of office in November?