Tuesday, March 29, 2016


While Hillary and her aides continue to profess profound innocence regarding Hillary's emails and her private, illegal server, the heat is being turned up by the F.B.I.  Agents have been gathering a mountain of evidence and testimony, and they are now ready to start questioning Hillary and her aides.  The problem for them is that they don't know what the F.B.I. knows and the feds are not talking.  

Should they fib when the questioning takes place, that's a felony.  If they tell the truth, they could end up doing some prison time. 

Unless of course, Obama grants them a presidential pardon.  Or, they could refuse to answer questions and Obama could claim Executive Privilege like he did for Eric Holder.  However it turns out, you can expect it to be a long, hot summer in D.C.  

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