Tuesday, June 14, 2016


The Geisinger Health Plan, touted by Obama in the days of hustling Americans toward ObamaCare, was supposedly a model for quality healthcare with genuine cost-containment.  They're now asking for a 40% hike in premium rates... even though they project medical costs to rise by only 7.5% next year.   “Our rates for Medicare, Medicaid and employer-sponsored insurance have been relatively stable, but those products have to bear the cost of our losses on exchange business,” they explain. 

This comes on the heels of United Health Care's announcement that they are withdrawing from ObamaCare due to unexpected high costs and low return.  And Obama promised... looked at us straight in the eye... and swore up and down that ObamaCare would save every American household $2,500 per year.   

He and Hillary are meant for each other; they're both corrupt to the core and have never, ever told the truth about anything in their entire lives.  According to them of course, it's all the fault of that vast right-wing conspiracy.  

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