Wednesday, June 01, 2016


For decades now, Americans have been avid customers of doctors and pharmacies, soaking up, everything from so-called "designer drugs" to antibiotics for simple low-level colds.  For everything that crops up, there's a drug to treat it.  We even have drugs to treat side effects from drugs. 

Some have been warning for years that bugs are capable of mutating or transforming themselves into drug-resistant strains.  Now, the payback is looming.  A Department of Defense document discloses  that bacteria which cannot be killed by existing antibiotics has shown up in the United States. "Mcr-1" has now infected a woman in Florida.She hasn't traveled out of the country lately and scientists have no idea where the big came from or how it got here.  

What they do know is that it is potentially deadly and there is no known preventative or treatment.  Our resistance to the bug is virtually zero due to our heavy use of prescriptions in the past.  

Keep yourselves posted.  

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