Wednesday, October 04, 2017


ESPN had decided it was never going to show the playing of our National Anthem before a game again; that way, they reasoned, they would be out of the controversy.  Well, naturally, I would respond that if you are not for America, you're against it.  However, after the Vegas Massacre, they decided to display some semblance of respect and go ahead and show the anthem portion of Monday's night's game.  How magnanimous of them.  

With stadium  flags at half-mast and America still in shock over Vegas, many NFL players still insisted on refusing to stand during that National Anthem.   Quite a few of the Chiefs went ahead and sang the National Anthem, but ended it with the words  "the Chiefs" instead of "the brave."  Of course, the NFL itself has steadfastly continued to refuse to abide by its own bylaws and discipline the cowardly bastards.  

I, on the other hand, happened to be sitting in a bar, and when the game came on the air, all TV's in the place were promptly turned off.  A few patrons even stopped drinking their Buds and switched to Coors. 

There are a lot of organizations around the country that are deciding right now not to have a Super Bowl Party this season, because they already know that nobody is going to show up.   Of course, the NFL is quick to blame you and me for our hypersensitive feelings.  

There's a huge, ugly battle going on in this country between the NFL and American patriotism.  Who do you think is going to win? 

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