Friday, February 15, 2019


In a prime example of how the left intends to activate socialism in this country, they chased's new corporate headquarters out of New York City and lost a potential 25,000 jobs in the process.  Chalk this on up to the new Democrat damsel, Alexandia Ocasio-Cortez, who single-handedly spearheaded the effort to block Amazon.  Amazon noted that 70% of New York's residents supported their choice of New York City, but the politicians were solidly against it. 

When you stop and think about it, who wants to do business in a state that has legalized late-term abortions anyway?  Who wants to do business in a state and city overburdened with onerous taxes and regulations? 

Maybe that's why businesses are leaving there in droves... just like California.  Leave the left-wing socialists behind to stew in their own messes. 

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