Friday, May 10, 2019


The Democrats have proven that laws regarding American privacy don't mean spit to them.  Just as the return you file with the Internal Revenue Service is protected by law, so are returns you file with individual states.  It's nobody's business what you make or how you make it, how much you spend or where you spend it, or what you hold in assets and/or liabilities... unless there is criminal wrongdoing involved. 

Yet, the Democrats have been on a relentless pursuit to force President Trump to divulge his tax returns.  They've even tried to force Steve Mnuchin to order the IRS to turn the information over.  Their latest move has been to go to the State of New York and ask for Trump's NY State tax returns, which will contain pretty much the same information as the IRS returns. 

They know that no responsible court federal court will order the IRS to turn the information over, so they are playing a criminally irresponsible end-run game.  

The Democrat-controlled New York State Legislature is in the process of changing the tax privacy laws of the state so that Congressional Democrats can have the information they want... not to conduct an investigation, but so that they can publish Trump's personal and business financial information publicly after they select the portions they want to use to their benefit.  

Their next move will probably be to make how you vote a matter of public record, in order to allow their henchmen in intimidate you as to who to vote for.    

The Democrats are gangsters, pure and simple.  They are organized crime in action.  

And they want to know why they are so utterly despised by Americans. 

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