Wednesday, May 08, 2019


Now that Attorney General William Barr is about to start investigating what has been going on at the FBI regarding Clinton's misbehaviors, it appears that notes from her 2015 meeting with the FBI Inspector General have "disappeared." 

When agents went to look for a CD that contained that information, they discovered the CD was cracked and that the data on it could not be retrieved.  They therefore insist that the data is lost.  Also mysterious is the fact that the Special Agent who took the original notes can't be found.  Never mind the fact that every tidbit of information about anything or anyone which enters the FBI building gets sucked into their mainframe computers for eternal storage; the information has vanished from the face of the earth forever and ever. 

Oh... and never mind that today's technology allows for the retrieval of information from cracked CDs, unless they've been pounded with a hammer and soaked in Bleach Bit... right Hillary? 

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