Wednesday, August 14, 2019


They call it a "gun buyback," but that's an outright lie.  (1) The government never owned the guns in the first place, so it's not a "buyback." (2) It's not voluntary; they're not giving you an option to decline, so it's mandatory.  Because it's mandatory that you comply, it's confiscation.  

“What you see the Democrat candidates are doing is they simply want to demonize firearms and they’re coming up with the same old failed policies that haven’t worked in the past,” said Erich Pratt, the president of Gun Owners of America.  It fact, statistics provided by the FBI prove that gun crimes and violence increase as the numbers of guns in private hands decrease. In short, the Dems want you to be more susceptible to crime... more fearful for your lives... probably because they want to exercise more control over you. 

Don't be to blame for sitting down and keeping your mouth shut.  Don't let them get away with this.  They are the real enemy.  

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