I just had two missionaries come knocking at my door and, after I gracefully declined their quest and they left, I got angry. I got angry not because I did the right thing and displayed respect to them in my “turn away,” but because I know they must have had doors literally slammed in their faces that day. And therein lays the focus of this diatribe.
This country has often been referred to as the “melting pot” of the world. Legal immigrants from virtually every corner of the planet have come to the promised land of freedom and democracy, bringing with them differing languages, ethnicities, religions and skin colors. And it worked, because we all learned to practice respect for each other as human beings and tolerance for differing ideologies and backgrounds.
Tolerance and respect have gone. Screw you and your damned crosses, get them out of my sight! Chase the Marines out of Berkeley and show the rest of the country that we don’t like their war! Hey, asshole! You cut me off! Bang, bang, you’re dead. I wouldn’t vote for a Mormon OR a Catholic! I don’t care if they ARE nice people; they’re rag-heads and they should leave the country. Who CARES what he thinks? He’s only a waiter! Damned missionaries oughta be someplace else prayin’ and not at my door!
Where did this all start? Maybe it was the Clintons and their snobbish disregard for the Secret Service and White House staff? (Just as a side note, if anyone thinks that Obama would be a good Vice President for Hillary, they don’t understand the Clintons and they don’t understand southern bigotry. The Clintons wouldn’t allow Barack Obama in the White House at all, unless he was there to shine shoes).
This self-centered disrespect and intolerance is fueling hatred and turmoil in this nation. Hatred and turmoil lead to civil unrest and disobedience and ultimately to an overthrow of government. The constant carping and backbiting in Washington that we are all dismayed about exemplifies the subject of this post.
We all need to stop, draw a deep breath, and remember the teachings of our parents and theirs before them…. Show some respect. Practice tolerance.
Otherwise, WE are to blame for allowing the disrespect and intolerance to continue unchecked!
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