Wednesday, July 15, 2009


We're all aware of the fact that Congress did not read one word of the TARP Bill before it got passed. Nor did they read word one of the Stimulus Bill. 350 plus pages were added to the Energy Cap & Trade Bill in the wee small hours of the morning and the House passed that bill a couple of hours later, so we know they did not read THAT bill either.

As a matter of fact, this Congress is a rubber stamp for anything the President wants, pure and simple.

Obama comes back from another world trip and discovers that his Health Care Reform Bill is showing signs of resistance and he immediately takes to the microphone and announces that the bill will be passed and that "inaction is not an option." In other words, he flat out told Congress that they will do as he says, or else.

Once again, we are going to be saddled with what will amount to another trillion dollars or so... Maybe two or three.... over the next few years and we, the people, have no say in it. We are not going to be allowed to read it, to discuss it, to digest, or to propose alternatives.

Are we now living in a total dictatorship? Don't you understand what is going on to our country here?

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