Wednesday, July 29, 2009


The current government seems to be making it clear that they want to intrude themselves into your living room, your bedroom, and your way of life. In short, they are operating from the philosophical standpoint that only the government can give you rights... You are not, contrary to what the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution say... born with "unalienable rights."

In taking his sarcastic jab at Pennsylvanians clinging to their guns and religion, Obama stuck it out there on his sleeve that he has a dim view of both religion and guns. In tackling the Cambridge, Massachusetts Gates arrest, Obama made it plain that he believes that racial discrimination still exists and that whites need to be penalized for it. In accusing the medical profession of unnecessary procedures taken strictly for the purpose of profit, he says that doctors are inherently unethical and that, therefore, the government needs to protect you by taking away from you the right to choose your own physician, hospital, or insurance plan.

The new Government Health Care Plan solidly puts government into your living room. It provides for health care for 12 million illegal aliens and for people who deliberately sit on their duffs and draw welfare. It provides for you to pay a penalty if you are overweight, it provides for government-funded abortions, and it allows for the denial of medical care to senior citizens while at the same time reducing their Medicare benefits.

The government is telling you what kind of cars you will be allowed to drive. The government is saying how much energy you can use and, if you exceed that, you are going to pay a penalty. The government is on the verge of denying you the right to own or carry a gun. Already, it is a crime to pray in many public places. If you make too much money, the government is going to take it away from you.

How long will it be before the government declares that you cannot have more than two children and, if you do, the third one is going to be "eliminated," and you are going to be sterilized and imprisoned? No way? That's the law in China already.

Once they have taken away all of our rights, we will never get them back.

And who will we blame, when the blame lies with us because we didn't put a stop to it.... right now, today?

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