Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Well, this is not going to be a nice, polite attack on some daily facet of life brought on by the enemy. This is going to be a rant, and they are the enemy.

People who tear at the fabric of our society are the enemy. People who openly avoid constraints of our Constitution are the enemy. People who subvert American ideals are the enemy. People who assault patriotism and its tenets are the enemy. People who bow to our country’s enemies are the enemy. And, people who do not have the guts or the courage to stand up and defend our country, its citizens, its Constitution and its foundation… are the enemy.

Politicians who refuse the will of the people are the enemy. The press and media who refuse to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth are the enemy. Judges who defy the Constitution and established law are the enemy. Members of government at any level who accept bribes and who enact regulations or legislate for their own personal gain are the enemy. And any person in the position of power, be it governmental, business or personal, who seeks to impress his will upon the will of the nation… is an enemy.

Now, I guess that doesn’t leave a whole lot of people who are not the enemy? Believe it or not, less than 30% of our citizens fall into the category of enemy, and yet they seek to tell the rest of us how to live our lives, how to vote, how and when to worship and when to go to the toilet.

The poor woman was barely on her way to the hospital when the enemy started to blame me and my friends for the tragedy. She lies in a coma in a Tucson hospital and the enemy claims to speak for her: guns injured her, right-wing extremists injured her, talk show hosts injured her, and Tea Party members injured her. But the son-of-a-bitch who pulled the trigger had a poor family upbringing; it wasn’t his fault!

Yes, he is a son-of-a-bitch and the people who seek to shift the blame from him to me and you and guns are the enemy. And we are at war right here in our own country. Anyone who does not understand that the enemy seeks to destroy us from within needs to step back and take a close look at what has happened to this nation in the last forty years and who is responsible for it.

I blame the enemy for our economy. I blame the enemy for our prisons being full. I blame the enemy for the immigration problem. I blame the enemy for our nation’s health costs. I blame the enemy for our civil unrest. I blame the enemy for fanning the flames of racism. I blame the enemy for allowing other nations to challenge us. Virtually every ill that has best our nation can be laid at the feet of the enemy. 

Most of all, I am fed up… fed up with the enemy who has perpetrated these wrongs to our country and who seek to blame us for it. Shame on them. They are un-American bigots. They come from another planet and they should return there. Yes, the enemy is the target of my anger and I will take shots at them every chance I get in every blog post I write or speech I make.

It’s way past time for someone to shut the enemy up and to put them in their place.

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