Wednesday, January 26, 2011


A year ago, Joe Wilson stood up in the House of Representatives during the State of the Union speech and accused President Barack Hussein Obama of being a liar. He was correct on that occasion and nothing has changed.

I am at a total loss to understand those who now contemplate that, since the November election debacle, Obama is moving to the right and we can believe his new rhetoric. This guy has never told the truth about anything to anyone at any time. He is a pathological liar and a dedicated manipulator. His chief accomplishment in politics has thus far been standing up in the Illinois Legislature during key votes and voting, “Present.”

He lied about Wright; he lied about all of his past associations. When Americans questioned whether or not he really was born in the United States he gave us the finger; whether or not he is a citizen no longer is the issue, your right to know IS the issue, and he wins. So there.

He lied about what he was going to include in the ObamaCare bill. He lied about government money going to pay for abortions. He lied about “transparency.” He lied about his relationship with "ACORN." He looked you and me straight in the eye and told the nation we were spending too much money and he turned right around and sucked Congress into an $800 billion “stimulus” bill that has lined everyone’s pockets except yours and mine.

He has flagrantly violated the law by having his own Executive Branch enact rules and regulations that Congress has refused to enact. Take Cap & Trade, for instance. That issue is, rightfully so, dead in Congress, but Obama is maneuvering EPA Rules and Regulations to make it a reality anyway.

This is the kind of guy who drives down the road, signals a right turn and steers left. He’s now telling the nation that we need to quit spending and to create jobs. He’s been saying that for two years and has taken no steps to accomplish either. As a matter of fact, if you remember correctly, this is the guy who bragged about the statistics that showed that his Economic Recovery Act programs were creating tens of thousands of jobs and, when it turned out that the government website containing the “statistics” had listed jobs being created in dozens of Congressional Districts that don’t exist, he shrugged it all off by saying that statistics don’t matter anyway.

Now you want to believe what this six-faced tap dancer has to say? 

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