I suppose we all knew what was coming when our President started his term of office by scuttling off to foreign lands and bowing to despots everywhere. Two years later, the world is a tinderbox, with North Korea, Iran and all all of the Middle East ready to erupt in full-scale war at any second. And, I suppose I shouldn't leave Wisconsin out of that equation.
We have a President who does not like to make the tough decisions, as demonstrated by the fact that public opinion had his back to the wall when he finally agreed to send more troops into Afghanistan. He is far more likely to hop onto Air Force One and leave the country during a time of crisis than to face up to it. In that sense, he is definitely not a leader, and the world needs a leader. We need a leader.
The radical Islamists point the finger of blame at the United States for the problems of the world. Using that as their justification, they seek to exterminate every last American, Christian and Jew and we do not have a President who is willing to stand up to it. We should be dealing with these situations from a position of strength, because strength is the only thing that is respected by these enemies of peace.
Does the man stand for anything? He has more postures on more issues than Carter has Little Liver Pills, (not the same Carter,). He says one thing and does another. He sticks his nose in where it does not belong and fails to stick his nose in where it does belong.
Let's face it. He's a weenie and, as long as he is in the White House, we're at risk.
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