Sunday, October 14, 2012


Here we are over a month since our Ambassador and three Consulate employees were butchered in Benghazi.  Here's what we now know:

The White House knew from day one that it was a terrorist attack, not a video.  But, they lied.  Not only did they lie, but now that there is proof and everyone knows the story, the White House has slammed the door shut on any more official comment.  Biden claimed in the debates that the White House did not know from intelligence sources that it was a terrorist attack; another lie.  

Five days after the attack, after it was publicly known that it was a terrorist attack, U.S. Ambassador Rice went on the talk-show circuit and adamantly claimed that the video was to blame and there was no terrorist attack. Not only was this a lie, it was a blatant in-your-face lie.  

Then the revelation that, not only was the security staff insufficient, but the building, grounds and walls did not meet minimum standards for a Consulate or Embassy and that, in fact, those standards has been waived.  The State Department denied that until testimony otherwise was provided under oath to the House Committee... So, we have another lie.  State then insisted that Ambassador Stevens had never complained about the lack of security in Benghazi... another outright lie as documents have come forth proving otherwise. 

The FBI was on the ground, then they weren't.  Another lie.  Now we hear that the employees at the Consulate, not having the required security and the required structure safety... were being paid hazardous duty pay because of it... but the same State Department that was paying them that pay denied that they knew of any problems.  

The after-the-fact securing of the Consulate and the investigation are under the sole jurisdiction of the military.  That it was turned over to the FBI is incredulous; they have no authority to track down the culprits in Libya or Africa or wherever they now are and to bring them to justice. In fact, the FBI is under the jurisdiction of the Justice Department and Eric Holder, the same guy who has been granted Executive Privilege by Obama regarding Fast & Furious; he is now in the driver's seat when it comes to covering up whatever it was that really occurred. 

Obama promised that the people responsible for this massacre would be tracked down and brought to justice?  When?  Here we are over 30 days later and still no action. 

Articles of Impeachment were drawn up and prepared against Richard Nixon for a lesser offense than these.  Article of Impeachment were drawn up against Bill Clinton on charges of less significance than these.  Obama is to blame and HE needs to be impeached and the fact that he is Black should not stand in the way.  


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