Tuesday, October 30, 2012


In these last days before the election, there is a sharp contrast between the Romney and the Obama campaign teams.  Romney and Ryan are out talking about the future of the country and what needs to be done to save our economy and get our ship of state headed back in the right direction.  Obama's team is running around calling Romney every name in the book, shucking and ducking Benghazi and threatening to burn down Republican houses if Romney wins.  

Now, here's the quandary:  If Romney wins, we're to blame because we're Bushwhackers, (play on words intended).  If Obama wins, the same crowd will blame us for being un-American bastards who tried to take down their King.  

The reason this will be the true story on November 7th is that no one in the White House and no one who supports the White House has ever been willing to take responsibility for their own actions; they simply have to blame someone else. 

How sad their lives truly are. 

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