Monday, June 24, 2013


Of all the scandals currently engaging the Obama Administration, the single one most likely to create rage in the citizenry is the I.R.S. targeting of conservative groups and individuals.  Anybody who has studied Obama at all knows that he will not take responsibility for anything, whether it occurred under his watch or not.  So, it should come as no surprise that there has been an overt attempt on the part of the Democrats to "shut the I.R.S. story off, and pronto Tonto."  

The Lone Ranger came to the rescue in the form of  Democrat Elijah Cummings who proclaimed that there's actually no need for an investigation, the story's over, the mystery is solved.  From that moment on, the media seems to have dropped the I.R.S. story like a hot potato.  One would have to assume that they've been threatened with an I.R.S. audit and wiretapping of their cell phones if they so much as whisper a word about the story.  Certainly, given the plethora of media available, one would certainly expect that at least a dozen would break ranks and go after the story.  

One thing is certain; what we know now about the I.R.S. abuse is only the tip of the iceberg.  We didn't start getting to the facts of coverup in Fast & Furious or the Benghazi Massacre for a lot of weeks after the events became public.  I think, given those time schedules, that we are just now getting to the point of real discovery of the facts on the I.R.S. matter.  It will be a full scale pandemonium of denial at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW as the slimey details ooze out.  

As it stands right now, the blame on this one will probably go to the Oval Office.  

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