Thursday, June 13, 2013


America is starving for the truth.  It's too damned bad that we have to hear it from a high school drop out.  And now, instead of declaring him to be a national hero, we have all of those liars and perpetrators of harm to our country rising in a chorus of attempts at smearing the lad.  And, we have a nation's capitol full of politicians caught flat-footed by the revelations who are trying to regain some composure and save some face. 

The press and the media, smelling the blood of an Administration-orchestrated blitz of "treason," are ignoring the quest for truth and beating their drums for the arrest and hanging of Snowden. Some wise guy suggested yesterday that Obama might order a drone to go after Snowden and why not? He IS on foreign soil, you know.  

Well, the truth is that the most transparent administration in history is actually the most opaque.  The word "change" has morphed into "oppress."  Like it or not, the word "citizens" now means "subjects." 

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