It was only a matter of time until Obama would seize upon the tragedy at the Washington Naval Yard to turn it to political gain. Speaking over the weekend, Obama told Congress to get off their duffs and pass his gun control legislation.
Isn't it ironic that the two cities with the worst violent crime rates in this country are Chicago and Washington, both with tight gun control and both residences of Obama? We have law enforcement and even government agents who won't enforce the laws that are already on the books, and we want to add more laws? All this is about is disenfranchising law-abiding gun owners from their legally owned guns.
He calls those of us who own these guns insensitive and uncaring and blames us for wanting to see more children dead in schools. He has no concept of the fact that cities and counties with the highest percentages of gun ownership have the lowest crime rates. He chooses to ignore not only the law, being the Second Amendment, but also the facts because he has an agenda.
Well, if you want to understand how great his agendas really are, you don't have to look any further than ObamaCare and Syria. Let's put the blame where it squarely belongs and quit the bull.
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