Tuesday, September 24, 2013


Harry Reid blames the Republicans, the Tea Party Members, the Conservatives, the Libertarians, the Chamber of Commerce, business, labor unions, etc. for wanting to scuttle ObamaCare.  He forgets that 70-75% of the country was against the Act, (as if in some kind of sex act), that he and Pelosi succeeded in shoving down America's throats in the middle of the night before anyone had a chance to read one page of it it away from the "fog of controversy." 

Now that he's forced the baby to eat the manure, he's ticked off that the baby wants to spit it back out.  This is dictatorship in its rawest and most simple form: "Shut up and do as I say."  

Various polls show 60% to 70% of Americans want ObamaCare trashed.  He has no right to blame us for wanting to end this un-American nightmare.  He's standing on a lectern of deceit and trickery.  His mean scowls don't scare me a bit.  He, Pelosi and Obama  are the scoundrels to blame for this mess and they owe it to the American public to clean it up. 

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