Monday, December 30, 2013


The NEW YORK TIMES' claim over the weekend that the Benghazi Massacre was in fact caused by that famous video defies admissions by the CIA, DOD and Hillary Clinton that the attack was carefully orchestrated.  The claim defies all of the evidence and testimony presented so far.  

Yet, the Times article comes at a time when Susan Rice has just called the uproar over Benghazi a "farce." 

Is this the last gasp of a defiant Barack Hussein Obama trying to cast blame where it does not belong and perpetuate a cover up that never should have been tolerated? 

After all, as you know, both Susan Rice and the NEW YORK TIMES are wholly-owned subsidiaries of Obama, Inc.  Or, perhaps, Obama is trying to get the national attention back on him as opposed to being on Duck Dynasty?  

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