Tuesday, December 03, 2013


It's no secret that military personnel are underpaid for the services they perform.  It's also no secret that Obama has a great disdain for our men and women in uniform.  Since the first day in office, he has fostered a continuing attack, trying at one point to force military personnel to pay for their own health insurance.  He's also actively replacing top-ranked military personnel and getting rid of the experienced men and women most capable of leading our troops into battle when the needs arise.  He's also trying to change the retirement system, saying that military personnel who retire after 20 years of service can't start drawing retirement pay until they are 65. 

Military personnel depend on reduced prices at military exchanges and commissaries to help make ends meet.  The Obama Administration is now proposing the closure of over 200 stateside and foreign commissaries to "cut costs."  This means that the troops are again taking it in the shorts in terms of benefits.  

One of these days, Obama is going to want to take another trip to Vegas on Air Force One and there won't be any pilots around to fly him.    

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