Despite all of the spin, despite the big celebration on the White House lawn, despite all of the breast thumping and back slapping... the Republicans are acting just like they always have... stupid, ineffective and uncaring about what the public wants. And just like the Democrats, they're liars.
Trump ran on a platform of repealing and replacing ObamaCare. They didn't repeal it. They didn't replace it. All they did was put lipstick on the pig. They didn't even change the pig's dress.
Nor did they address the 310 million Americans who don't qualify for ObamaCare or RyanCare or TrumpCare... whatever you want to call it. They've done nothing to raise the soaring costs of health care for anyone.
They wanted to claim a victory so bad that they sold their souls to do it. Only 17% of the country likes the new "plan." Yet, they're all having eggs in their beer.
They still do not get the message. They are most certainly the ones to blame.
Piss on all of them, and that includes Trump.
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