Friday, June 30, 2017


Jeffrey Goldberg, editor-in-chief of The Atlantic, says that the constant tirade by Trump and others could cause verbal and physical assaults against members of the media. 

"The problem is, and this is what I worry about more than anything else, is that there are people in the country who don't understand that this is a cynical reality TV game and are going to hear over and over again from the president that reporters, journalists are enemies of the state," Goldberg told Katie Couric at a panel hosted by the Aspen Institute in Colorado.  

Well now, Mr. Goldberg... just who is really to blame for that?  

You and you're vicious cohorts in the industry have been spreading lies, propaganda, half-truths, spins and fake news for decades now; in short, you have abdicated any semblance of what being  journalists is all about.  

And you're upset because we're complaining about it?  

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