Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan warns that cuts may be needed to eventually save the Social Security system. He said “the actuaries of the Social Insurance system say that in order
to be actuarially solvent through the life of the programs, we would
have to cut benefits by 25 percent right now and extending into the
Let me make this clear: Social Security is NOT an entitlement. We Americans have been paying into the system for decades, and our contributions have been met along the way by our employers. All of us know that the fund has been robbed by the government, just as all of us know that illegals are receiving benefits from the system for which they did not contribute.
That's OUR money you are once again trying to screw us out of. If you want to see a whole bunch of ticked off Americans, just go ahead and try to reduce our benefits.
Is that why government wants our guns, so we can't fight this tyranny?
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