Monday, August 09, 2021

USPS: "Dumb" Knows No LImits

The United States Postal Service, bleeding red ink from continued poor management, is now making two moves: (1) raising the price of first-class postage from 55 cents to 58 cents, and (2) slowing delivery of first-class mail from three days to five days.  

Of course, any marketing strategist will tell you that when your volume goes down, that's not a good time to raise prices.  

The USPS says that they can cut expenses by slowing delivery. I don't get it. If you're moving 1,000 pieces, why does it cost less to move it in three days that five? It's still 1,000 pieces and requires the same amount of mail trucks and personnel to deliver. All you're doing is pissing off the public.  

It's that same misguided management thinking that is so pervasive today in our government in Washington. 


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