Friday, August 06, 2021

WE'RE Not to Blame for the Damned Wuhan Virus!

The so-called "facts" about what the virus is, how it is transmitted, what the best treatment for it is, masks, vaccines, and everything else associated with the "disease" change on a daily basis. The only thing that has remained consistent through the "pandemic" is that the state and local governments have used it over and over again as a means to oppress freedoms and muzzle the citizens! 

We're now being told that the vaccines are good for you, but they don't protect you? In one area, 90% of the people infected have been vaccinated, in another area 90% of the infected are UN-vaccinated.  Vaccines cause blood clots, cerebral hemorrhages and comas... but don't worry about it, the risks aren't that great?     

Regardless of all of these bullshit inconsistencies, Biden and Fauci now insist that the unvaccinated and the unmasked are to blame, and they must be marginalized, oppressed and even criminalized!  Two-year old kids must be masked or the authorities will remove them from the household? 

No, Biden and Fauci! WE are NOT to blame! YOU are! Take your bullshit cures and shove 'em where the sun don't shine! Show up at MY house with your damned needles and you most certainly will regret it! 

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