Wednesday, March 22, 2017


The illustrious Senator Lindsey Graham, the guy who ran for president against Trump in the Republican primaries and who lost his shirt doing so, hammered away at Trump's Supreme Court nominee, Neil Gorsuch, and demanded to know whether or not Gorsuch thought that Trump could be impeached if, for example, he allowed waterboarding when waterboarding is against the law.  Gorsuch answered appropriately when he said that "No man is above the law."  

This is not the first time that Graham has indicated his disdain with Trump.  Ever since he got blown away in the primaries, Graham has been outspoken in criticizing Trump, although he softened his  rhetoric once Trump won the election.  

But the suggestion underscores the fact that not everyone in the Republican Party is yet on board with the Trump machine.  And putting the question out in the manner that he did surely shows that Graham would probably salivate at the prospect of a Trump impeachment.  

With jackals like Graham in leadership positions within the party, the possibility of another Republican debacle looms like never before.  

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