Monday, March 06, 2017


The Democrats are so engaged in trying to take away from Trump's tremendous speech last week that they've been working on all cylinders to dump on him and anybody associated with him.  But, here are some facts that they're not talking about:  

1. Those two meetings Sessions had with the Russian Ambassador were part of his job on the Senate Armed Forces Committee and one of them was actually arranged by the Obama White House

2. At least one of those meetings was "surveilled" by the Obama administration

3.  The Obama Administration wire-tapped and/or bugged Trump during the 2016 election campaign

4.  Secretary of State Clinton arranged for the Russians to purchase 20% or more of the U.S. uranium stockpile, after which the Russians donated $2.35 million to the Clinton Foundation and sent her a box of chocolates; she hid the donation

5. Bill Clinton was paid $500,000 for a speech paid for by a Moscow bank

6. John Podesta's energy company, Joule, got $35 million from a Putin company

 7. Diane Feinstein's husband was Chairman of the Board of a real estate company hired by the U.S. Postal Service to sell off its properties; this conflict of interest and the exchange of millions of dollars have been swept under the Democrat's rug.  

Who is to blame for these things?  

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