Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Two events occurred Christmas that reveal the sad state of airline security: (1) A Nigerian national on a Northwest Airlines flight from Amsterdam to Detroit fired off an incendiary device that, had it worked as intended, would have killed nearly 300 passengers and crew on board plus an unknown number on the ground, and (2) A Lufthansa flight from Frankfurt to Detroit was diverted to Iceland where it was searched for suspicious baggage; it was later discovered that the baggage was okay, but that the owner had not boarded the plane in Frankfurt.

Violations of security protocol occurred in both events; it was by the Grace of God that no terrorist act succeeded.

In the first case, the Nigerian purchased his ticket with cash; the ticket was a one-way ticket. Both of these actions were sufficient reason for agents to pull the passenger aside and give him a thorough going over, which would have resulted in his bomb packet being discovered between his legs. I have had that done to me in an instance where I had to purchase a one-way ticket on short notice due to a funeral; I flew from Spokane to Albuquerque to Reno, and I was thoroughly screened several times along the way. Adding insult to injury, the Nigerian’s father, a well-known Nigerian bank executive, had warned officials that his son had turned to radical Islam. Evidently, no one cared enough to communicate that information to TSA. Homeland Security Director Janet Napolitano basically shrugged the incident off, saying: “The system worked.” What outright and blatant audacity.

In the second case, security protocol requires that the flight cannot take off if a passenger has checked baggage on board and is not on the flight himself. When the passenger failed to board in Frankfurt, his luggage should have been removed prior to takeoff. To my knowledge, Janet Napolitano didn’t even comment on this incident; maybe she realized that the “system” was NOT working, so she shucked and ducked. That seems to be the modus operandi for everyone in the Administration.

Both of these incidents underscore an ominous fact: Security lapses are not receiving the attention they should be, thereby leaving us at the mercy of the “Grace of God” in the future.

We must now ask ourselves in what other areas of management Janet Napolitano has proven herself to be incapable of administering. What about border security? She has proven several times that her knowledge of border laws is not very extensive. She blocked further federal funding for Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s immigration enforcement unit.

She is also the one, if you remember correctly, who said that returning veterans pose a risk of right-wing extremism. In fact, she identifies you and I as being right wing extremists if:
  • You believe in the 2nd Amendment
  • You believe in the right to life
  • You believe in the right to free speech
  • You are a veteran who honorably served your country
  • You believe in the right to peaceably assemble
  • You desire that your government not waste YOUR money
  • You believe you pay enough taxes already
  • You are a returning member of the military who risked your life for your country
  • You desire the laws of our land be ENFORCED and our BORDERS SECURED!
  • You are of the Jewish or Christian faith and believe the government should protect against radical Islamic fundamentalists who desire to kill you and other Americans
  • You believe those who violate the law should NOT be rewarded with YOUR tax dollars
Back in June, James Von Brunn walked into the National Holocaust Museum and opened fire with a difficult- to-conceal 22-caliber rifle and killed a guard. He was a convicted felon, barred by the law from owning or possessing a gun. He had spent six years in jail for the attempted kidnapping of Paul Volcker of the Federal Reserve Board. He was an acknowledged hater of Jews and Negroes, a "radical extremist" who, according to Janet Napolitano, should have been high on the watch list. But, for some inexplicable reason, he wasn’t.

Like Tim Geithner, she needs to be replaced. Obama’s collection of monkeys, idiots, fascists, and Marxists all needs to be replaced.

Yes, I am a right wing extremist. I firmly am against the likes of Marx, Lenin, Chavez, Stalin and Bill Ayers. And, I will continue to be vocal in my opinions, because I am an American and I have the right to be vocal. You can call me a “Tea Party lunatic,” a politically incorrect, angry man…whatever you want, I don’t care.

Enough is enough.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


If I lived in Nebraska, I’d be ashamed to call myself an American after what Ben Nelson did to us. If we are smart, we’ll quit buying Nebraska corn and beef. In fact, all of the states that benefited from all of those dirty-dealing back room deals should be dropped from the United States. Let them be third-world or European nations; maybe Kenya will take them in.

The Senate Democrats are the epitome of mean, dirty political tricks and corruption, total disregard for their constituencies, and dishonor of the content and spirit of the Constitution of the United States. That having been said, I don’t subscribe to the theory that the Republicans are any better. Somehow, those in Washington have totally strayed from the conduct of their duties as envisioned by our founders and we have allowed them to get away with it. See what you get when you sit on your butt and don’t get involved in national politics?

How do you like these apples? The word is that the current Senate Bill has a provision in it that no future Congress can revoke, alter or change it. Isn't that flatly illegal and fascist?

Their double-dealing ways have got to be put to an end. Every Member of Congress, regardless of political party, needs to be turned out on the streets. They have lied to us, manipulated the facts, stonewalled the questions, called us names, told us one thing while doing another, taken bribes and political payoffs… In short, they have crapped on our dinner plates and they’ve not even smiled when they did it to us.

They have violated our Constitution and gotten away with it not only this year but, for decades.

Now, the country is on the precipice of bankruptcy and they point their fingers of blame at us, at each other, at past Presidents… everywhere except themselves. Yet, they don’t stop their spending ways.

We, the people, can give ourselves a Christmas present that will keep on giving and giving: we can promise now to get rid of them all. We can completely replace the House in the coming election and 1/3 of the Senate. In 2012 we can replace another 1/3 of the Senate and we can replace the entire House again if we have to make the message clearer. In 2014, when all of this Health Care disaster kicks in, we can finish off the last 1/3 of the Senate. I’m talking Republicans, Democrats,
all of them including turncoat Senator Lieberman.

Let’s replace all Members of Congress with... AMERICANS.

Saturday, December 19, 2009


You are in total and utter contempt of the will of the people. You are violating our trust. You are trashing our Constitution. You are knowingly and willingly exceeding the boundaries of your responsibilities. And you, Ben Nelson and Joe Lieberman, are truly the Benedict Arnolds of our time.

You are selling our souls, our spirits, our hopes for the future of this country for a few trinkets of wasted government spending that you can lay upon your states… Those are but fleeting moments of time in the scale of eternity, but your transactions of treason will last forever and ever.

All of you should be ashamed of calling yourselves Americans while dealing us such a horrible debt and allowing encroachments of our freedoms and liberties.

We are not just angry. We are flat pissed off, and you will have your day of reckoning, sooner than you think.

May God damn your thoughtless, selfish, ugly and wicked ways.

* * * * *

My fellow Americans, our United States Senate most sincerely wishes us a very Merry Christmas.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

HELLO, WASHINGTON! Your Day Of Reckoning Is Coming

Let’s get one thing straight, Washington: We are not to blame for the shambles that our economy, our morals, our ethics and the overall state of our nation is in. The blame lies squarely in your laps. Yes, you are supposed to be working for us, so we do share in the blame, but we are now coming to our senses and we are going to hold you accountable when we stand on our feet and throng to the polls next November.

We have had enough.

For as long as I can remember, Congress, the White House and our Courts have been partners in ripping this country apart. And, yes, the stench has gotten worse over the last twenty years. As leaders of our country, you have a responsibility to hold yourselves to a higher standard as an example to us and our children; in this, you have failed miserably. Your lack of morals and ethics has permeated every level of our society. The corruption that you have welcomed into the halls of our government in Washington has oozed into Wall Street, our business board rooms, our state governments, and is now finding its way into our bedrooms. How you can have the utter audacity to point your fingers at our banks and financial institutions and to complain about their unethical behaviors when it is you who have set the standards for conduct in this country is beyond me. You won’t cap malpractice awards because the lawyers feathered your financial campaign nests? Then, why shouldn’t AIG pay out bonuses and take expensive trips on the government dime?

You are going to go after retired government and military employees to pay their past taxes while you have hired a tax cheater to be your Secretary of the Treasury? Who in the hell do you think you are, the self-designated chief hypocrites of all time?

Not only do you take bribes and payoffs and campaign contributions and who knows what else before you make your decisions on how to run our country, you turn around and use our taxpayer money to make back room deals in order to get your miserable self-serving agendas accomplished, whether we who foot the bills support them or not.
You needn’t worry about getting caught, because your hierarchy will run cover for you and, if you do get caught, your Attorney General won’t press charges and if, by some strange happenstance you do end up in Court, the Judge has already been bought and paid for….you’ll get a slap on the wrist.

We are in debt up to our eyeballs and the nation is sick to its collective stomach about it and you appear in the halls of Congress smiling and slapping each other on the back after you tack on another $250 billion to a budget? You seize hundreds of billions of our dollars for one thing and now you want to spend it on something else? When you enacted TARP, you knew at the time that not one dime of that money was ever going to get back in the treasury and you stood there on front of the nation and gave us your condescending smiles as you told us that we’d not only get the money back into the treasury, but we’d make interest on it? How can you sleep at night?

Your hateful, spiteful and mean ways, your spending days, your “screw the public” attitudes have been running rampant for so long that they have evolved into being an inbred culture of politics in Washington. This culture knows no bounds; it has affected the minds and the hearts of every Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, Independent, Liberal or Conservative in every facet of our government. You now surround yourselves with convicted criminals, tax cheats, Marxists, fascists and you do not hesitate to tell us to “Shut up and get out of the way.”

Maybe you tell yourselves that things will get better for you after you confiscate our guns and ban our religions. Then, maybe, we’ll roll over and die and you can intrude your politics of corruption into our living rooms and bedrooms and successfully grab us by our family jewels.

We do not want your lousy health care plan. Go back and write a good piece of legislation to deal with this problem. We don’t want your damned cap and trade legislation. We don’t want your damned EPA taking over our streams and rivers. We don’t want to hear some holier-than-thou remark about how we will have to limit every family to one child when you, the total misbegotten rats that you are, allow illegal immigration to our country at the expense of our economy and our jobs and have the gall to look us straight in the eye and to tell us we have to shrink our families because we have too many people here causing pollution.

We're sick and tired of your dog and pony shows and your smoke and mirrors. We don't want to hear any more of your lies, half-truths, misinformation and disinformation. Save your eloquent oratories for the bathroom and give us the straight, clear, unequivocal facts and don't hide behind 2,000 pages of pure bull, either.

We don’t want any more of ACORN’s of crime and corruption. We don’t want terrorist trials in New York City; we don't want your friends to have the opportunity to tell the world why we deserved to have them take down the World Trade Center and the Penatgon. Yes, your friends. You don’t have the guts to detain war prisoners and to try them under rules of military justice, so you must be their friends.

No one, not one person in the House of Representatives, the Senate, the White House, the Supreme Court… No one has stood up with the rest of us and agreed that enough is enough, that something has to be done, that action has to be taken to end this horrible tragedy that is going on in our country, that the time has come for us to return to the values upon which this country was founded and to return to the fundamental and Constitutionally correct way of running our government.

HEAR THIS, WASHINGTON: We have had enough! Your day of reckoning is fast approaching. We pissant Americans out in the hinterlands no longer want to share in the blame for all of this, and we want to get rid of those who are to blame. Start packing.

Wednesday, December 09, 2009


The United States Senate yesterday refused, by a vote of 54-45, to pass an amendment to the proposed Government-run Health Care Bill that would have prevented taxpayer money from being used to fund abortions, although the House had previously passed a similar amendment and the American public overwhelmingly agrees with such a provision.

In the meantime, the Congressional Budget Office estimates that up to 10 million people could lose their employer-based insurance coverage under the Senate's health care reform bill. The nonpartisan office said the net loss would add up to about 5 million -- the anticipated loss of employer coverage on one end would be offset in part by the expectation that a new mandate would drive other employers to cover millions more workers who are not currently covered. But that estimate assumes many employers, particularly small businesses with low-wage workers, would opt to pay the fine and drop their insurance plans. The CBO estimated this would affect between 9 million and 10 million workers. (The math has gotten to be so fuzzy, but I think the plan would leave 25 million without insurance anyway, so the new total would be 35 million; with 45 million currently uninsured, this means we are going to insure 10 million people at a cost to Americans of over $1 trillion.)

Although 62% of Americans now oppose a government run health plan, the Senate and the President appear to be hell-bent on passage before Christmas. (Isn’t that a nice present for the public?) An Amendment was proposed that would prevent the extraction of $40 billion more from Medicare benefits and that was defeated. Another Amendment would have capped malpractice awards and that was defeated. In other words, the Senate is telling Americans, “We don’t care what you think.”

As if to emphasize total contempt for the American public, the Senate Majority Leader in essence accused those Americans who are trying to slow down or re-work the Health Care Plan of being supporters of slavery, and he capped that off by adamantly refusing to apologize for the disgraceful remarks that he had made.

But, the bad news does not end there. In response to leaked emails that show scientists have been misstating and falsifying statistics used to support global warming theories and the proposed Cap & Trade legislation, President Obama announced that he’s going to Copenhagen to attend a United Nations workshop. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency ruled that carbon dioxide is hazardous to the environment and that they intend to initiate extensive regulations whether the public and American business like it or not.

Moony’s, the well-respected independent financial company, warned yesterday that continued mismanagement of the economy, the budget deficit and national debt may force them to lower the financial rating of the U.S. from its current AAA rating, a move that could have further disastrous impacts on our economy.

President Obama yesterday essentially admitted that his stimulus plan has not worked by suggesting a “Stimulus II” package that would add another $150 billion to the country’s debt. Once again, Obama said the U.S. has had to "spend our way out of this recession," a tactic that many are insisting is not working and cannot work. These moves have been made despite the fact that the top concerns of Americans are the national debt and jobs.

Obama’s response to Americans who have thronged to Town Hall meetings and American Tea Party demonstrations has been, “Shut up and get out of the way.”

Merry Christmas, America.

Monday, December 07, 2009


If you pass legislation that in any way requires me to pay for someone's else's abortion, I will go to jail before I pay any more taxes.

If you pass legislation that takes away from my Medicare or Social Security, or raises taxes on my fixed income or raises the cost of my supplementary insurance and reduces my benefits, I will go to jail before I pay any more taxes.

If pass any government-run option, semi-option, option trigger, or similar health care legislation that does not put caps on medical malpractice awards, I will go to jail before I pay any more taxes.

If you pass legislation that raises the national debt, I will go to jail before I pay any more taxes.

The ball is in your court.

Sunday, December 06, 2009


This six-minute video sums up everything I have been screaming about for almost a year. It's something you should not miss.

Wednesday, December 02, 2009


Standing before a military audience at West Point, Barack Hussein Obama appeared to be haughty and defiant as he began his address to the nation and announced his long-awaited decision regarding the Afghanistan conflict.

General McChrystal had asked for 40,000 more troops in Afghanistan, 40,000 being the minimum. For the following 90 days, the White House hammered away on the 40,000 figure as being what McChrystal recommended, but that 30,000 should be considered. Finally, under growing pressure and having been ostracized for his procrastination, Obama announced that he is approving another 30,000 troops for the war in Afghanistan. He was quick to say that McChrystal had not asked for the troops until 2010, and that allowed him to take time in making his decision. He was also quick to say that the additional troops would be coming home within 18 months, and justified that deadline as being a means to force the Afghanistan government to step up to the plate as well as the actual costs of the war.

Obama prefaced his remarks by saying that the war in Iraq should not have been fought and that all troops there would be removed within the next year. He did not mention that the number of U.S. deaths in Afghanistan under Bush averaged seven per month while averaging 28 since he took office.

Obama reasserted his intention to close the Guantanamo detention center, and then closed his speech with an emphasis about all of the good things the United States has accomplished in world security over the past 60 years. And, that was the gist of what the President had to say.

It’s what the President did NOT say that matters. He did NOT lay out his case for sending in the 30,000 troops. The fact that it took him 90 days to approve 10,000 troops less than what his commander in the field was asking for sends a clear message that he is not decisive and he is not committed to winning the war. He did not explain his strategy that he has been mulling over for the past 90 days while his detractors have been growing increasingly restless and critical. Nor did he fire up the audience with some statement to the effect that we can, we must, and we will win.

Other than that, I suppose it was a nice attempt.

I think that I would have thrown out a not-so-vague message about being able to have additional military strength in that area in case we should have to take some action regarding the Iranian situation. But, then again, if we keep allowing the Somali pirates to steal oil barges enroute to the United States, we may not have enough fuel to do much more than to make a fleeting appearance in Iran.

After such a long delay in reaching his decision, I expected a concise, well laid out, fiery speech and a dramatic finish that would inspire the country and rally the troops. I didn’t hear that. Maybe the thought that the $30 billion projected cost for the additional troops might sidetrack his government-run health care plan took the starch out of his britches.

Sunday, November 29, 2009



The very first thing that crosses my mind when Iran flips ITS giant middle finger to the rest of the world and announces that it will build as many nuclear facilities as it damned-well wants is that situation we were in when Jimmy Carter, Obama’s predecessor in winning the Nobel Peace Prize, was at the helm. If you remember correctly, the number one song-hit in those days was, “Bomb, bomb, bomb… bomb, bomb Iran.” And, here we are again.

The second thing that passes through my mind is the length of time it has taken Obama to make the decision regarding more Afghanistan troops; being well over 90 days, it shows the molasses-like speed of Obama’s thought processes and the charisma he asserts in his quest to be the de facto “messiah of the world.” I’d prefer to have a President with more decisive leadership skills as opposed to one who has charisma.

The realistic way to look at the situation from a purely military standpoint is that we urgently need to send 60,000 more troops and a whole bunch of military hardware into Afghanistan, just so they are strategically located in the likelihood that we have to deal with Iran in a more “politically incorrect” manner. There’s also the remote chance that the collective Iranian insane asylum might be persuaded to be more a little more neighborly without us having to stomp the shit out of them.

All of which brings us to the point: Within 10 short months of “change,” this country has progressed from being relatively secure in a post-9/11 world to being on the wrong end of nuclear-tipped missiles in the hands of Iran and North Korea, while being saddled with a President who seems hell-bent on getting his Government-run Health Care Plan passed. If Awkmandidhejig is already this rambunctious, what’s he going to be like to deal with during the New York City terrorist trials? The real question now facing us suddenly switches from, “How in the hell are we going to pay for this new Health Care Plan that is totally, totally out of touch with reality, when we have an economy that is on the verge of becoming the “Greatest Depression?” to, “How are we going to deal with Iran, North Korea, Afghanistan and the fact that our country is already internally permeated with radical terrorist factions? How will we survive?”

How will our unethical, corrupt, self-centered collection of clowns who occupy the halls of power in Congress and the White House handle this new ominous threat of a World War III? Will they, knowing that the world’s greatest financial crises have historically been solved by going to war, allow things to continue until the flames of war are lit once more? Is Obama, through his bows and apologies to the rest of the world not fanning those arrogant flames? Is he now going to tell us that it’s our fault?

Is the price we Americans must inevitably pay for allowing our morals, ethics and patriotism to crumble into a quagmire of self-centered evil that currently exists in our midst? What situation will this charismatic twit in the White House have us in after three more years?

That question really spurs you into wanting to go Christmas shopping, doesn’t it?

Friday, November 27, 2009



Almost from day one, the facts and figures coming out of Washington have been, to say the least, erroneous. One day they tell us this and the next day they change it to that. Operating in crisis mode, they bamboozled us into believing that the TARP money, the “stimulus” money, the bailout money…. All had to be spent within hours or the country was doomed. “Unless we spend this money right now, unemployment is going to soar. If we spend it right now, we can contain unemployment at 8%." We spent the money and unemployment is at 10.2% and rising.

One day, we’re going to have plenty of vaccine for the H1N1 virus. A few weeks later, they tell us about the shortage, but promise they will get that fixed. They never have, but they did admit that they "under-estimated" the situation. They are now suggesting that the swine virus might be merging with the bird flu virus into a new virus, so “what’s the big deal, anyway?” Maybe they'll name this new virus the "When pigs fly flu?" Try and say that ten times without going postal.

They tell us that so many tens of thousands of jobs have been saved or created as a result of their ERA spending, then we find out that the figures on their website are lies…lies they don’t plan to fix. Obama dismisses these lies by saying they are “just a side issue.” Okay, wise guy, I want to know what really happened to those billions of dollars that were pent in non-existent Congressional Districts. If it's just a side issue, show me the money!

Now comes forth the story that the facts and figures used to support the global warming theory have been manufactured over a 13-year period and that they are totally wrong. On this basis alone, how can we even think about “CAP AND TRADE?” Yet, Obama is rushing off to Copenhagen again, this time to try and talk nations of the world into following his lead and enacting similar Cap & Trade laws that will certainly spell more economic doom.

Pelosi and Reid have been working feverishly in trying to cram a Health Plan up our rear ends that we do not want. We all know many of the lies and manipulations they have put forth on us in trying to get this Bill passed. They seem obsessed with making those of us who are solidly against abortion pay the tab for those who are not. They refuse to even discuss malpractice reform. They hide substantial costs by forcing them upon the states, when we will end up paying for them anyway. They say that seniors will not be hurt, but seniors are taking the brunt of the costs; after we have been paying for insurance all of our lives, now they want to stick it to us. When their own budget office tells them the costs are too high, they go ballistic with indignant outrage. Just when you think they can't do anything more outrageous than the things they have already done to us, along comes the mammogram and cervical exam bull.

As for the illegal alien issue, you need to know that the Health Care Plan will says that illegal aliens won't be allowed to participate, but the move is already afoot to give the illegals full amnesty so that they can get our health care and this will further escalate the costs of "the Plan." (Not my fault, I didn't know they were going to do that. Gosh, we'll just have to raise taxes some more...again?)

They bring to our soil terrorist trials and, in so doing, they rub our noses into the reminders of 9/11. Holder assures us that the trials will not turn into a stage for the terrorists to spew forth their agenda from, and Obama practically guarantees they will be found guilty and executed. Both Holder and Obama totally ignore the will of the people, the terrorists change their pleas to innocent and announce they will be vocal and they have a right to be vocal and we can’t stop them. When Congress hauls Holder in for a dog-and-pony-show questioning, Holder basically fluffs them off.

At the same time, ACORN, a close ally of the President and of Holder, is suffering from rampant crime and corruption with OUR MONEY, and Holder flatly refuses to investigate or prosecute.

Now, Carl Levin and David Obey suggest that there should be a “War Tax” levied on us to cover the costs of the war in Afghanistan so that their “other objectives” such as Cap & Trade and the Health Care Bill don’t get sidetracked. They are being joined by the epitome of fiscal responsibility, Charles Rangel; the whole move is being undertaken to try to force us to turn against any “win the war in Afghanistan” strategy.

Here is the summation: We can’t trust their “figures.” We can’t trust their “facts.” We can’t rely on their “statistics.” To add insult to injury, they do not give a damn.

This is our fault. We are to blame. The buck stops with you and me. This anger in America, this steaming hatred that is nearing the boiling point, is being caused by our failure to rein these people in. We need to swell the ranks of the American Tea Party. We need to scream on the phone, send faxes by the millions, and burn up their Internet with our emails. We need to get in their faces again, like we did in the Town Hall Meetings, but this time we need to be sure they don’t have their earplugs on and that they are not surrounded by S.E.I.U. thugs.

If we don’t, I suppose we should do what the special interests do, and bribe them? Is this the only answer…get a few million dollars together and go pay them off to do their duly sworn jobs?

I don’t think so. Raising Holy Hell is the right answer, and we need to start right now, this very minute. And they need to be made to understand that we mean business.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Friday, November 20, 2009



Now he's buying votes and he's using our money to do it!

By the time these bastards in Congress get done picking our pockets and our bones, the only thing we are going to have left to cling on to is our religion and our guns, and they're already scheming on how to get them.

YES! Geithner needs to resign and he needs to take every damned member of Congress and the President with him!

Disgusted American.



A French bank, Societe Generale, is warning that global economic collapse could occur within the next two years. The bank warns that rescue packages over the past year have merely transferred private liabilities onto government shoulders, creating a fresh set of problems. Debt levels, public or private, are too high as a share of GDP.

In the United States, the Congress is nearing passage of a massive health care overhaul that promises to add billions of dollars to an already overburdened debt. If passed, massive tax increases could take effect as early as 2010, adding to double-digit unemployment, home foreclosures, and probably leading to a stock market tumble that would certainly not be reversible in any short term.

Tim Geithner will certainly have plenty of people to blame for his gross mismanagement and bad advice.

All kidding aside, this is serious news and tends to bolster the argument that our economy is far from being cured.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


This government has gone too far, told too many lies, misspent too much money, commandeered too many of our personal freedoms, mortgaged the futures of our children, manipulated, misinformed, disinformed, bullied those who protest, covered up its misdeeds, surrounded itself with those who would bring our Constitution down, allowed illegals to enter and reside here against the law, mismanaged our system of justice, and thumbed its collective nose at every American institution that exists. “Shut up and get out of our way,” has become the mantra of our Government.

The same government that lies about what its stimulus plan is accomplishing, also fails to advise us that it has allowed another 1,000,000 illegal immigrants into the country while unemployment soars. It has saddled us and our grand children with a burden of debt that will break our backs and in doing so it has mortgaged our souls without giving us any benefits. Not only does it openly plan to redistribute wealth from those who have been successful to those who have sat on their duffs, but it also intends to send what little we have left to third-world nations in a global redistribution.

It is taking over our banks and financial institutions. It seeks to control an additional 1/6 of our economy by taking control of our health system. I can go on, and on, and on, and you know that to be true.

Ask yourself this: If the government has the gall to tell you, as a small business owner, that you will be fined up to $250,000 if you don’t buy health insurance for your employees, and that you will be sent to jail for up to five years for the same offense, and that you must give your employees paid days off if they get sick whether they have only worked one day for you or not… doesn’t it strike you as realistic that they will put you in jail if you can’t afford to stay in business and therefore decide to fire your employees and to close up?

How much of these cram-down, bully tactics are we going to take, and whose country is it, anyway?

Do you think they would get the message if we small business owners would just shut down for a day and if every patriotic American just flat didn’t show up for work for a day? Who would fly the airlines? Who would man the banks? Who would clear the snow off the roads? Who would sell gas? How much tax revenue would be lost?

None of us have any money to spend on gifts this year anyway, so we don’t we just take an extra day off and sit on our duffs and let those idiots in Washington stew in their own juices?

If they are going to treat us like crap, maybe it’s time we started acting like shit heads?

Dear God, am I losing my mind?

Saturday, November 14, 2009


Let us always remember: WE ARE NOT TO BLAME for this tragedy of errors. From this moment on, every time we hear of these New York trials for the terrorist scum, and every time some outrageous remark or happening occurs down this years long road of justice ahead of us, let us remember who brought them here against our better judgment and wishes... Barack Obama and Eric Holder. And, so that we don't forget... they should forever be dubbed "THE OBAMA TRIALS."

Friday, November 13, 2009


The Republicans are standing in the rain and singing as if they were standing in the sun. They’re singing like canaries in wild anticipation of a bucketful of fresh worms; they…. They think it will be a lead-pipe cinch to win and clean house in 2010.

Doesn’t anyone in Washington get the damned message?

We are sick and tired of every last one of you, Republican AND Democrat! We‘re done, through, finished! We are weary of your stories, lies, misinformation, and disinformation. We’re fed up with your graft, corruption, and unethical, immoral conduct. We’ve had enough of your failures to do your jobs, your wild spending parties, your lavish junkets, and your desperate grabs for powers reserved to the states and to the people.

Your total disregard for our Constitution, your attempts to rewrite or trample our Bill of Rights, your flat-out refusals to hear what we say at Town Hall meetings or Tea Parties… every transgression against us has known no political boundaries or limits. Your name-calling and pious talk-downs are the last straw. You call us “political terrorists,” “douche-bag tea-baggers,” “right-wing extremists,” “lunatics,” and a litany of other names designed to make America know that we are the pissants. The Republicans don’t stand up against this barrage of Un-American activities; just ask one what they think about the name calling and you will be treated to a new rendition of “Tip-toe Through the Tulips.”

No, we don’t want a Republican-controlled Congress. We want an AMERICAN controlled Congress. We, the people, want Senators and Representatives who carry a copy of the Constitution with them every day and every step of the way. We want an end to the lies. We want an American who can recite the Pledge of Allegiance without looking at a cheat sheet. We want someone who will not sell out what is right in order to gain political power.

Republicans, you need to understand the errors of YOUR ways: Your attitudes and actions are no better than the Democrats’ and, frankly, you all make us want to puke.

Make us no more promises. Tell us no more lies. Cover up no more mistakes. Live up to the responsibilities of your positions. These are the only courses of action you can take if you have even the slightest prayer of holding on to your jobs in 2010. If you are not willing to step up to that plate, start packing your bags because you, ladies and gentlemen, are about to become toast.

This country is in horrible shape and you are to blame. We the people are now taking charge.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


There is no way to address this subject and to be “politically correct” at the same time. So, forgive me if I offend you but, this has to be said.

Radical Muslim / Islamic extremists working under the blessing of Osama killed over 3,000 Americans on September 11, 2001. This same faction of the world’s population has been taking out Americans and other freedom loving people for years, both here and abroad. Dozens of plots designed by the same faction have, thank God, been thwarted in the United States. Now, we have an officer in the United States Army, an apparent Muslim radical, who has taken out 12 lives and injured 31 others.

Moments after the Fort Hood attack was over, the apologists went into full spin. Hassan was “under pressure,” he got into the Army long before we had problems with Al Queda, he was “trying” to get out of the Army so he would not have to fight fellow Muslims... There are those in Congress who are against the Patriot Act. They don’t want us to intercept communications to Al Queda or other enemies. No, if someone is wearing a turbine and acting suspiciously, you do not have the right to question him because that is racial profiling. Racial profiling is not politically correct.

Well, and as politely as I can put it…..bull shit.

I am surrounded by dozens, probably hundreds, of radical Islamic cults. At least 10% of the Muslim Mosques in this country preach radical Jihad, according to the FBI. Law enforcement and intelligence officials are hamstrung by rules that prohibit taking a closer look at Muslims than at little old white ladies with knitting bags? Yet, our government wants to take away from me my right to own a gun?

I am not calling for Muslim “internment camps.” I don’t advocate shipping all Muslims out of the country. Nevertheless, we need to empower our law enforcement officials to investigate and ascertain the political ideologies of Muslims and to deport them if they are found by a Court to be a danger to America.

Otherwise, we are all in grave danger, and who is to blame?

Sunday, November 08, 2009



And, they didn't use vaseline, either.

Take down the names of those who voted "Yea" and start now, this very minute. Find someone to replace them in November. Start grooming them, preparing them, financially supporting them today.

It doesn't matter whether you replace them with a Republican or a Democrat. Just replace them with an American who believes in the will of the people.

Saturday, November 07, 2009



It’s not very often that I’ll put out two opinions on the same subject, back-to-back. In this case, AARP has committed the ultimate of sins, and it needs to bear the brunt of what needs to be said. It has betrayed its membership and its purpose. It’s vision:

  • “AARP works tirelessly to fulfill its vision: a society in which everyone ages with dignity and purpose, and in which AARP helps people fulfill their goals and dreams.”
Although millions of senior Americans have been openly vocal against passage of the Health Care Bill, AARP came out this week in full endorsement of the government-run plan. They took this action although the new bill, almost 2,000 pages in length, includes coverage for illegal aliens and abortions, while reducing Medicare benefits. The new plan will cost the people well over $1 trillion, and we all know that advance estimates on similar bills in the past have been over run by as much as 10 times, meaning we could be looking at $10 trillion or more.

Insurers who sell supplementary insurance to cover what Medicare does not, will reap the benefit of having more insurance to sell and at a higher cost. AARP, through mutual arrangements with several insurance companies, sells Medicare Supplement Insurance. It is patently obvious to me that AARP has chosen profit over its vision and at the cost of its members.

The population is aging. In just a few years, the seniors in this country will be able to exert overwhelming power due to their burgeoning population sector.

We shall not forget what a despicable piece of legislation is being voted on at this time, how it will affect us, who voted yes, and the fact that AARP supported it.

We shall not forget.

Wednesday, November 04, 2009


As a long-time member of AARP, I was shocked when they came forward in support of the proposed Government-Run Health Care Plan. I thought that their opinions, judgments and purpose were to lobby for and to support the goals and objectives of senior Americans. I guess I really did not understand what the organization is or what it stands for.

Imagine my surprise the other day when I picked up a piece of literature putting AARP right at the very top of the list of National Organizations with Anti-Gun Policies.

Our federal government stands ready to put into law a bill that will slash Medicare by $500 billion; that will mandate end-of-life counseling, (yes, it’s back in both bills despite President Obama’s and Congressional promises otherwise); will raise taxes on all Americans without raising Social Security benefits, (meaning we will have shrinking net income to pay for insurance, Medicare and deductibles); does not attack out-of-control malpractice insurance costs to doctors; does not provide a mechanism to reduce drug costs; and does not ensure to any degree whatsoever that insurance premiums will go down, simply because the driving forces that are sending premiums sky-high have not been mitigated. The Bills both mandate… require… that we have insurance or be in violation of the law and fined; that requirement alone is unconstitutional.

Yet, AARP backs the plan.

At a time when more and more Americans, particularly vulnerable seniors, are becoming victims of violence and at a time when the sales of guns for personal protection is at an all-time high, AARP stands firmly against our Second Amendment rights.

In other words, AARP stands against our Constitution on two major national issues and promotes, rather than opposes, two major governmental policies in the making that are totally contradictory to the bests interests of an aging America.

I am upset with myself for being suckered in to an organization that is contrary to what I believe in and what I know is right.

Screw their discounts at major national chains; as a senior, I get them anyway. Screw their “value priced insurance” policies that you can get for less by going directly to the vendor.

I AM to blame for not checking out what I was getting into before I got into it. The “culture” of reaching 55 and automatically becoming a member of AARP is pure bull. I have dropped my membership and I am dropping my insurance policies.

In this case, I’d rather switch than fight.

Sunday, November 01, 2009



All eyes and ears are on Washington as both the Senate and the House committees working on the proposed new Health Care Plan have advanced their proposals to their respective floors for debate and full House or Senate vote. The next few days will decide what final versions will go to a joint committee to be hammered out, passed and sent on for the inevitable Presidential signature. Then, according to what Americans have been told, a great new change in health care will be ushered in, flowers will bloom in December and angels will trumpet and sing praises of the Great Accomplishment.

In the next ten years, the national debt will go up by $10 trillion. Unemployment will rise into the teens. Inflation will soar. These things we know and will be forced to accept.

If that is a bitter pill to swallow, here’s a bigger one. As Americans have attended Town Hall Meetings and marched on Washington, as the Internet as been abuzz with opinion against this cram-down, and as opinion polls have clearly shown that Americans do not want this legislation to pass in its current form, Washington has called us every name in the book; Washington has been totally dismissive of our collective voices; Washington has turned its collective back on America; and Washington has had no compunction about doing these things to their neighbors, their families, their constituents.

In so doing, they have attempted to switch the blame for our disastrous economic condition first to George Bush, and then to us.

Obviously, they have contempt for us.

They were the ones in charge when money was spent and misspent. They were the ones who allowed bad housing loans to be made. They were the ones who allowed Republican and Democrat administrations to spend and spend our futures away. They participated in it; they were complicit in it.

We should not accept the blame for what they have done. We should not take this lying down.

We need to raise holy hell right now, today…. We need to let every single one of them know, in clear and most certain terms: “Congress and the President, what decisions you make now on this health care plan and on other spending bills pending will determine your continued employment.”

Fax. Email. Phone. Show up in person.

D-Day is here.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


It’s time to lay the pleasantries, niceties and political correctness aside; it’s time to take the gloves off and not only to tell the truth, but to tell the blunt truth. The White House is infested with far-left radicals and Marxist-Maoist sympathizers who are exerting tremendous influence on national policy. Our country IS in grave danger of imploding from within.

White House Communications Director Anita Dunn says that she praises the political philosophies of Mao Tse Tung. Today, she tries to dismiss it as being just a joke but, if you’ve watched the video, you know very well that she admires both Mao and Mother Teresa. She is obviously in a position of high influence and for her reward in making that remark; Obama is firing his Chief Counsel and replacing him with Dunn’s husband.

Manufacturing Czar Ron Bloom is the latest in a long line of White House officials who are defending Dunn and espousing their beliefs in Mao as well. Mao, of course, is the benevolent former Chinese dictator who killed 70 million people during peacetime. Bloom also mocked capitalism, "We know that the free market is nonsense." This is of course the sentiment you want from the guy who is trying to create jobs in the manufacturing sector.

Valerie Jarrett, a longtime friend of Michelle Obama and the owner of several slums in Chicago, convinced Mr. & Mrs. Obama to make that ill-fated trip to Copenhagen in an attempt to seize the Summer Olympics so that Jarrett could have her properties redeveloped at government expense. Jarrett was in charge of the Obama-Biden transition team and, prior to that, she has a very, very lengthy and left track record with The Habitat Company and the Joyce Foundation.

Van Jones, Czar for the Environment until his abrupt resignation, was an avowed self-admitted Communist who made many speeches advocating that the rich should be stripped of their bank accounts and that capitalism should be buried.

These are not the only Czars with smelly positions and backgrounds. The Czars have been appointed to powerful Executive Branch positions without the customary reviews and Congressional approvals. The list, as of August, is lengthy:
  • Richard Holbrooke – Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan
  • Jeffrey Crowley- Director of the Office of National AIDS Policy
  • Ed Montgomery - Director of Recovery for Auto Communities and Workers
  • Alan Bersin - Assistant Secretary for International Affairs and Special Representative for Border Affairs
  • David J. Hayes - Deputy Interior Secretary over California water issues
  • Vivek Kundra - Federal Chief Information Officer
  • Cass Sunstein - Administrator of the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs
  • John Holdren - Assistant to the President for Science and Technology, Director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, and Co-Chair of the President’s Council of Advisers on Science and Technology
  • Aneesh Chopra - Chief Technology Officer
  • Carol Browner - Assistant to the President for Energy and Climate Change
The list goes on to about 40 and you might want to look up their backgrounds and their qualifications for their jobs. Keep a barf bag handy.

Obama’s current and past associations with ACORN, Bill Ayers, Bernadette Dorn, Sol Alinsky, Tony Rezko and others were, and continue to be, an indication that Obama’s intentions as President may be less than American-pure. The unanswered questions surrounding Obama’s birth, education, sources of campaign contributions and campaign expenses smell worse than Chicago-style politics. The recent discovery and resulting flap over his obvious attempts at propaganda and political indoctrination in the nation’s school system are indicative of what could be an overt attempt to bring American-style democracy to its knees.

His lack of success in coming to grips with pressing American issues such as unemployment, the economy, the growing national debt, and the war in Afghanistan suggest that he is not fit to be a leader of anything, let alone the free world. As the Chicago Sun Times recently opined, Obama’s excuses are wearing thin. “He's annoying people on both sides of the aisle -- the left (as ripped by SNL) is upset he's not doing enough and the right is angry that he's doing too much. A new CNN poll shows that for the first time people mostly disagree with Obama on the issues.” People are realizing that even if Bush was to blame, Obama is the President and has been in the office long enough that he should be making significant headway on all issues.

Obama and his team must be monitored very closely. Don’t pay any attention to what he says, because he lies more than the White House carpet. Pay attention to what he and his “teammates” do.

Sunday, October 25, 2009



Bad boys study hard and get good grades. Bad boys finish their homework before they go out and play. Bad boys get up early in the morning and review their homework assignments from the day before. There will be no grading system in the schools. Those who do not do their homework at all are entitled to get the same grade as those who work and study. There will only be one grade awarded in school: passing. There will be no failures.

Bad boys go to private colleges and universities. There must be no private colleges and universities. All post secondary education will be owned and controlled by the government. All students are entitled to have the same opportunity to get a degree in whatever it is they want to be. It does not matter what your skills or abilities are; there will be no discrimination. Any one can do what they want and all are equal. All those who attend four years of college will get a degree. There will be no grading system.

Bad boys marry bad girls. Boys should only marry good girls. Good girls stay at home and cook, do laundry and raise children. Women do not belong in the work force. When there are no women in the work force, there will be no unemployment because there will be plenty of jobs to go around for everyone, including undocumented aliens.

Bad boys show up to work early, drink their coffee and eat their doughnuts and are already at work when the 8:00 AM whistle signals it is time to begin work. Bad boys only take 45 minutes for lunch. Bad boys do not stop working during the day; they do not leave their assigned duty stations to associate with others, check the water cooler, or shoot the bull. Bad boys stay at their duty stations until 5:00 PM before they clean up their duty areas and leave for the day. Bad boys take extra training and try to do their jobs better each day. All employees are equal. Bad boys accept raises and incentives to do a good job; all employees will be paid the same, whether they do a good job or not. All job assignments will have a quota of work output to be expected each day. No one will be allowed or encouraged to exceed that work quota. The work quota will be established so that even the slowest and most challenged employees can accomplish their quota. No records shall be kept of job performance, absenteeism, or extra training taken.

Bad boys buy bigger and better houses to raise their families in. No one shall be allowed to own their house; all houses will be built by and owned by the government. All houses shall be the same square footage, same color, and be on the same sized lot. Bad boys have bigger and better cars, nicer clothing, and more food than the rest of the boys. This creates discrimination. Discrimination is outlawed. Every one is equal and the same.

Bad boys ask questions. It is up to the government to decide what information the people need to know. Boys must dummy up and keep their mouths shut. Only the good boys, who do exactly what their life assignments are determined to be by the government, will be allowed to advance to the elite plateau. Those determined by the government to be eligible for the elite plateau will be allowed to become managers in their professions or to be workers for the politburo. Only those being selected by the government as eligible for the elite plateau can receive higher pay or live in nice neighborhoods.

Anyone who questions the system, or who seeks answers from the government, shall be ostracized and shunned. Banishment from American society altogether is the likely outcome for being a bad boy.

Be a good boy. Shut up and get out of the way.

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Wednesday, October 21, 2009


The President, off to a very slow start on his domestic agendas, is desperate to have anything that he can claim as a victory before the off-year elections in November. And, he now seems willing to risk all of his political capital in order to get a victory. The Democrats are willing to oblige by using the “nuclear option” to give the President a Health Care Plan in a form that is unpalatable to the growing majority of Americans; in recent days, they have made it clear that they don’t give one iota about what the polls say or what the Americans want.

In fact, they are collaborating in an elaborate scheme to mislead the American public about the true costs to the average American for the health care plan they are about to enact. For example, the medical professionals marched on Washington a couple of weeks ago and openly withdrew their support and challenged the new Bill. Nevertheless, the Administration continues to run ads showing white-coated medical personnel on the White House lawn who seemingly are all aglow about Obamacare. Now, the Congress and the White House propose to enact a separate Bill that will funnel $250 billion to the doctors if they do an about-face and renew their support for Obamacare. This will supposedly make up for the cuts in Medicare payments that are included in Obamacare and which the doctors are complaining about. But, the Administration will not include the $250 billion in the estimated $900 billion cost because… well, it’s a separate Bill.

What will be next, after this bold display of arrogance?

Still sitting on the back burner, the Cap and Trade Bill will quickly move to the forefront. Politicians like to follow a “victory” with another “victory” as quickly as possible. Look for Congress to slam the Cap and Trade Bill through, also using the “nuclear option” if necessary, within a week, (two at the most), after passage of the new Health Care Plan. These two bills alone are very likely to add $3 trillion or more to the national debt.
After that, I suspect that the Administration will go after one, if not both, of the following:
  • Nationalization of the oil companies
  • Severe restrictions on the manufacture and sale of ammunition
It is a well-known conclusion that the addition of the massive debt increases are going to stifle the jobs market and the economic recovery, possibly through the end of the next decade and, in probability, through the first half of this century. The Administration has recently let out trial balloons suggesting that the current high unemployment rate may become the norm.

One thing is very certain: we’ve seen the last of Town Hall Meetings until the end of Obama’s third or fourth term.

We're not to blame for this; they are.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

NOBEL PEACE PRIZE: It’s Not The Real Issue

Let’s cut to the chase.

Obama did not nominate himself for the Nobel Peace Prize. Obama cast no votes in the process. That Obama was chosen to receive this year’s Nobel Peace Prize is not his doing. I disagree with trying to make him look bad because of the Nobel Prize; he is not to blame for this. If we have any grudges to air, they should be lodged against the Committee and not against the recipient.

Nevertheless, for a litany of reasons, I am convinced that this period of time will go down as being the darkest period in American history. May God help us through it.

Monday, October 12, 2009



Monday, October 12, 2009


"Fox Will Be Treated As The Enemy!"

"We Will Not Renew Their Broadcast License!"

"Administration Will Not Communicate With Fox News!"

Open Attack On Freedom Of The Press!

Wednesday, October 07, 2009


With all of the negativity spewing out of Washington you’d think that the country was filled to the brim with racists, Nazis, political terrorists, and gun-toting right-wing extremist conspirators. Nothing could be further from the truth.

When you get out there in Des Moines, IA or Des Moines, WA or Sarasota, FL you discover that this country is filled almost to the brim with church-going, community-minded, family-oriented Americans who work together everyday to meet the needs of their communities and their families in a positive way. I said, “Almost to the brim.” We all are aware that there are bad apples in this country. Unfortunately for the rest of us, the scum always seems to rise to the top.

There are those who have been out there farming and growing food for the rest of the country. There are those who haul the food to processing plants, distribution centers, and retail outlets. There’s the gal at Burger King with the big smile, the priest with his flock, the electrician on the pole, the nurse in the hospital…. These are all good, honest, down-to-earth Americans who rush to the aid of their friends and neighbors when tragedy strikes, who show up in high school bleachers for the Friday night games, who summarily make up the backbone of everything this country has been about since its inception in 1776.

When you take a close look at the values that really matter in this country, such as honesty, ethics, loving care, religion, hard work… They are all cornerstones of Middle America that hold the country together. These American people have been taking it for granted that the rest of the country is filled with people just like them, people who they can trust just as they trust their uncle or the guy down in the feed store.

Today, these good Americans wake up to discover that they have been betrayed by the scum at the top. They learn that their hard-earned money that was sent to Washington in the form of taxes to run this country, have been misspent. They learn of the rampant corruption among the leaders they elected, and they come to recognize that those leaders don’t really care about their country at all.

These good Americans are NOT to blame for the runaway misspending, for the corruption, for the lies, for the manipulations that are leading us to the brink of disaster. But, they are now aware of it and they are madder than hell.

Those in the corridors of power in our government don’t realize it, but the day of reckoning is fast approaching. Middle America, the Good Americans, want their country back. Somehow, I don’t thing the Ugly Americans are going to be able to spin, lie, connive or talk their way out of it this time.

Sunday, October 04, 2009



If I’ve heard it once, I’ve heard it a thousand times since Obama had the Olympic Door summarily shut in his face: “Just because Obama made a fool out of himself in front of the world, don’t make the mistake of thinking he’s on his way out.” Those who echo such comments are quick to point out that Obama has charisma and that 50% or so of the country thinks he is doing a good job as President. But, on the other hand, 33% think he’s doing a disastrous job. Those numbers, by the way, are far below Bush’s favorable ratings at the same period of time in HIS presidency.

I decided to take a few moments to size up Obama’s Presidency thus far. Thinking back about his start in office earlier this year, two names stick out in my mind: Geithner and Napolitano. Geithner, I think, set the tone for the kind of people that Obama intended to surround himself with, and I really didn’t miss the mark. Geithner is an income tax cheat, caught red-handed. He came out with a weak excuse and Congress, firmly in the pocket of Obama, listened to his tearful explanation and promise never to do it again, and confirmed him as Secretary of the Treasury. Obama proceeded to add more tax cheats and unethical scoundrels to his cabinet and to his new political team, the “Washington Czars.”

The Washington Czars have distinguished themselves through their past records as felons, crooks, far-left radical activists, and so forth. Obama was able to protect them from official discovery by appointing them to positions that don’t require investigation and confirmation by the Senate. Van Jones was the first real casualty of Obama’s administration; you might consider Daschle a casualty, but he’s still very much active in Obama’s administration.

Getting back to Napolitano, she generated quite a stir by creating a list of Americans who were just returning from war, who had rightwing views, who owned guns….there were a few other requirements, but the list was intended to be a register of potential extreme domestic terrorist threats. When the existence of the roll leaked out, Obama and Napolitano out-danced former President Bush with the Texas Two-Step, and the spin machine worked overtime to quell the uproar. Napolitano had another gaffe or two and has since been relegated to the back pew of the Rose Garden.

“Blame Bush” became the White House slogan of the day. Rumor has it that those words are printed on sheets of White House toilet tissue. Obama was immediately faced with horrible economic woes that he blamed Bush for. When former Bush aides were able to point out that the problems stemmed from a Congressional filibuster to skirt around Bush calls for an investigation of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, an investigation that may have prevented the ultimate collapse in the housing market, Obama shrugged it off as still being under Bush’s Administration.

Obama labeled the crisis an “emergency” that required immediate action to give his Secretary of the Treasury and Federal Reserve Chairman Bernanke total authority over an almost $800 billion dollar bailout, action that had to be taken immediately, (no time for discussion or argument), or the economy would collapse. Here we are nine months later and not all of that money has been spent and we have not yet collapsed. In fact, $387 billion of that happens to be “missing in action,” a fact that rarely gets mentioned.

This was all followed with another "emergency" and the need for the “stimulus,” without which unemployment would surely go above 8%. Even the Republicans folded like waffles and the stimulus was passed. But, unemployment has just reached 9.8% and Obama has had to admit it will go higher. That’s bad news for Obamanomics.

The bailout money blew up in Obama’s face when it came to light that several major financial giants rewarded their execs with monumental bonuses and vacation “conventions” in luxury resorts. Obama and his sidekicks decided to take ownership of stock and actual control of management in several major banks, fueling the flames of socialism. The Administration eventually declared that the banking problem was now under control, but bank failures have continued at an alarming rate this year, reaching a total of 95 by last week. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation is running on fumes and is now asking banks to prepay their insurance premiums for several years ahead in order to keep the system afloat. In other words, the entire banking system is now on the precipice and the Administration is hiding that fact from the public.

I’ll get back to one of the bank bailouts in a moment. But, there sit both GM and Chrysler on the steps of the bankruptcy courts, and Obama rushes to the rescue with more emergency bailouts. In that process, the unions gained ownership positions and avoided pay and benefit cuts that may have saved both auto giants had they gone ahead with bankruptcy proceedings and government took ownership positions in corporate industry. Suppliers of parts to both companies took losses in their shorts and now either cannot afford to sell to GM or Chrysler or refuse to do so because of the risk involved; both companies are now ordering parts from Japan and China, creating more domestic job losses, (another fact not well-known). Dealers for both GM and Chrysler are warning customers who are bringing their cars in for repairs and maintenance that they cannot guarantee the parts being used, since many are substandard.

Early in his Presidency, Obama’s White House “arranged” for ACORN to take over the 2010 Census from the Department of Commerce. The polling and counting, normally done by part-time temporary employees of the Bureau of Census, would be done by ACORN. Since Congressional redistricting is done after every census, this put Obama and the Democratic Party in the position of being able to maneuver the counts in order to improve seats in Democratic districts. That message was lost in the abyss of the liberal press, now openly controlled by the White House.

ACORN had been accused of tampering with the voting process in the November elections in many states. Several states ended up bringing charges against ACORN, but Obama’s Attorney General, Eric Holder, flatly refused to get involved. The Federal Election Commission dropped, like a hot potato, an investigation into a donation of $800,000 by the Obama campaign to ACORN that was originally listed as being for staging and lighting. At White House urging, Congress arranged and passed legislation to give ACORN over $8 billion in funding as part of the economic stimulus packages.

When the ACORN bubble burst with the discovery of widespread corruption by two undercover video producers, Obama refused and still refuses to say that he would sign a bill from Congress to cancel all ACORN funding. As that bad news spread, the Department of Commerce dropped ACORN’s participation in the 2010 Census and then… Bank of America came out and said that it would no longer be a partner in funding ACORN projects. The Conservative press and media then put two and two together: Bank of America received billions of rescue dollars from the Administration, even after it was discovered that shady dealings were had with Merrill Lynch. Why? Heading into this weekend, it was revealed that a top-level official of the White House has active connections with top-level people at… ACORN.

The bad news continues. Americans became totally aware that Obama’s spending was nearly twice that of any previous President, even in war time. The horrible economic situation was resulting in decreasing tax revenues and skyrocketing costs of social programs, including unemployment compensation. The government treasury was hemorrhaging red ink. A loan from China came with severe reservations and unknown commitments from Geithner; the official ceiling of the national debt was reached, and quietly passed without fanfare. I’ve been unable to find out how that was legally accomplished, but we all know that the printing press is now busy churning out more money that will increase the national debt and inevitably spark inflation.

The public, now attuned to the looming costs of Obama’s spending policies, was beginning to take a close look at Obama’s cornerstone Cap and Trade legislation that was working its way through Congress. The public was asking just how this would affect the future costs of energy and the national debt, and they were starting to put pressure on members of their Congressional delegations to stop the legislation long enough for everyone to examine it. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, sensing possible defeat if the Bill took any longer to pass, threatened members of the House into passing the Bill by a narrow margin in the wee small hours of a June morning. The national uproar was deafening and that Bill now sits in the Senate; it is unlikely to pass until, or unless, the President’s Health Care Plan passes.

In the summer of 2008, before the economic wheels came off, I was stating that the high price of gas at the pumps was in danger of causing a recession. I had no idea how deep the crisis would become. The situation was that truckers couldn’t truck and were losing their rigs to the banks. People couldn’t get back and forth to work unless they stopped spending what used to be “discretionary funds.” The prices of consumables increased and the resulting crunches led to soaring inventories and eventual layoffs. What I didn’t know was that the crunch would start to create loan defaults in a housing market that was over-financed as a result of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae loan policies that had been loosened as a result of pressure from such organizations as ACORN and the House Banking Committee. The house of cards fell, and it fell rapidly.

The public demanded a solution to the oil problem. They were watching the major oil company profits soar by tens of billions of dollars while their wallets were being emptied at the pumps and layoffs were beginning. The bottom line of this was that everyone agreed we needed to increase domestic production and to take other steps to research and bring into production alternative forms of energy. Once in the White House, Obama managed to shut off expanded exploration in the Gulf of Mexico while Brazil, Cuba and Russia have been involved in exploration in the Gulf in potential fields that should be under U.S. control. We now find ourselves further constrained in how we deal with Iran due to our continued reliance on foreign oil.

Let’s talk about war in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the coming nuclear issues with North Korea and Iran. Obama has committed to troop withdrawals in Iraq. Iran has never failed to take advantage of an opportunity to go to war with Iraq. In fact, Iran has been actively providing troops and materiel to enemy forces in Iraq since day one. Iran would love to see the U.S. pull totally out of Iraq and to stir up disagreements and violence between the several factions that exist in Iraq to weaken their military posture and to thereby provide an opportunity for invasion.

Obama said early on that he sees Afghanistan as being the bigger problem, and that is why he is drawing down troops from Iraq. Yet, he turns to our troops in the Middle East and requires that they now read the “Miranda Act” to enemy combatants being taken as prisoners. He investigates those who happen to kill an enemy combatant. And, when his top commander in Afghanistan asks for more troops, Obama stalls. And, Obama has angered American Jews and the Israeli government by insisting that Israel really has no cause for action against Iran's growing nuclear threat against Israel.

In the meanwhile, North Korea and Iran are testing nuclear weapons and missiles in open defiance of the United States and world opinion and the United States is dealing with those issues from a standpoint of “Let’s talk,” as Obama turned loose the Justice Department to investigate the C.I.A. after Nancy Pelosi accused the C.I.A. of being untrustworthy and constantly misleading and lying to Congress. C.I.A. Director Leon Panetta, appointed by Obama and confirmed by Congress, was outraged. Pelosi refused to back her words up; and Obama refused to intervene when Eric Holder announced that he’s going after the C.I.A.

Speaking of talking, Obama prematurely accused the Cambridge Massachusetts Police Department of racism and then invited the major players over for a beer to try and settle the dust. But, the ugly context of the word “racist” would arise again during the President’s relentless pursuit of a health care plan that is fraught with the prospect of cost overruns, reduction of Medicare benefits, a government-run system, funding for health care for illegals and for abortions, and which contains provisions for mandatory counseling for the elderly about death and the costs of healthcare associated with death. Someone in ACORN, I can’t remember who, even suggested that ACORN would be dong the “counseling.”

When the public took to the streets in “Tea Parties” to protest Obama’s inevitable tax increases necessary to support his spending, Obama and his staff dismissed the protests as being “orchestrated” and as basically involving “the enemy.” Participants were demeaned and called down by the Administration and members of Congress. Americans were told to “Shut up and get out of the way.” Former Presidents Carter and Clinton accused participants and those against Obama’s Health Care Plan as being racist, an accusation that Obama downplays, but does not refute.

The divisions in this country have become almost bottomless pits, chasms from which we may not be able to withdraw to more sensible positions. The fact is readily apparent that we are not to blame for all of this; Obama is. Obama, the chief spokesperson for the United States, has been running around the world apologizing for our behavior. He openly displays his shame of being an American to the likes of Cesar Chavez and the rest of our enemies. He kisses the rings of sheiks, bows to the Saudis; it is as if he is trying to explain, in advance, why he wants to overthrow our government. Americans are growing less enamored by his smooth talk and more concerned about his intentions and his patriotism by the moment.

His continuing drop in the polls, his failure to get his Cap and Trade Bill passed and signed, his problems with Van Jones and with ACORN, the stall of his Government-Run Health Care Plan, and his slap in the face with the first-round turndown of the 2016 Olympic Bid for which he flew to Copenhagen to lobby….these are stacking up as formidable odds against his Presidency and his agendas.

When you look for the positive things his Administration has accomplished, you are left with cash for clunkers, (car sales went right back into the toilet after it was over), and cash for first-time home buyers, (no one is lending money and foreclosures are up,).

In short, Obama’s track record as President stinks. Yet, while he claims he will accept responsibility for his mistakes, he continues to blame Bush, the media, cable news and American patriots for his problems. He recognizes that, should his government-run health care plan not pass Congress, the rest of his agenda will be trashed as well. He colleagues in Congress, particularly Reid and Pelosi, sense that their unified triad of strength has been significantly wounded by Obama’s missteps, and they recognize that it is up to them to rescue Obama in order to prevent a total calamity in the coming elections.

Both Barack and his wife Michelle delivered pathetic pleas to the Olympic Committee for the 2016 Summer Games to be held in Chicago. In listening to the pleas, one has to wonder what it was that possessed them to fly there in the first place, let alone in separate jets at taxpayer expense. Their pleas were not well-spoken, their words not organized; in fact, their pleas were more about them than good reasons for the Committee to award the games to Chicago. When the U.S. bid was tossed out in the very first round, it was a shot of rejection that was heard around the world. The Committee had made it abundantly clear that it does not believe Obama is the "Messiah."

So far, it can truly be said that the first nine months of Obama’s Presidency has produced absolutely nothing, except humongous debt that will linger for decades. The fingers of accusation and blame seem to be pointing in every direction except the correct one.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


The United States Senate Financial Affairs Committee voted this morning 13-10 to deny an amendment to the Baucus Health Care Reform Bill that would have prevented government funds from being used to fund abortions. The vote leaves open the door in both the House and Senate versions through which abortions might be funded and is a slap in the face to Right-to-Life protesters and religious taxpayers who have opposed the Bills for that and other reasons.

More than that, the vote offers some insight into what will happen in the Senate when the Bill reaches the floor for a full vote. Combined with the recent vote against a proposed requirement that would have allowed the Senate version to be posted on the Internet for 72 hours before a vote was taken and that would also have required Senators to read the Bill before voting on it, the stage is now set for the Bill to hit the floor and be voted on before Americans know what is in it. There was some glimmer of hope in the Committee vote to drop the government-run option yesterday, but we see that move as a matter of convenience to take some of the rising steam out of opposing arguments. Nevertheless, the government option can now be reinserted into the Bill which can, in turn, be voted on and passed in a late-night session while America sleeps.

The vote tally, 13-10, also portends that the Senate will not be able to pass the Bill with a 60% majority. In fact, it is entirely possible that such an attempt will not occur and that Senator Reid will force the Senate into the 51-vote reconciliation option where a simple majority will win the day. In doing so, he avoids the probability of an embarrassing failure that could inflame the passions of those against the Bill’s passage.

Over in the House, Speaker Nancy Pelosi has demurely announced that she would be more than willing to post the Senate’s Bill for 72 hours before the House votes on it, but she does so knowing that the Democrat-controlled House will pass the legislation no matter what Americans think.

In other words, Obama is so determined to win and Congress is so determined to back him that no one cares what Americans are thinking and no one cares about the 2010 elections. How they can proceed on this course, knowing that they will inevitably be tossed out of office, poses an interesting question: Is there something already in the works, some future event perhaps, that is slated to take place between now and 2010 that will prevent the Members running for reelection from being replaced?

Another possibility for this evident and flagrant disregard for American opinion is that Obama and his liberal associates see a defeat or a change of course in their health care as becoming an enormous obstacle to future targets on their agendas… gun control, free speech control and free media/press control. Whatever the reason behind their relentless march toward passage of “The Plan,” Americans are definitely and for decades to come, going to feel the resulting pains in their pocketbooks, in their quality of health care, and in the care of the senior population.

They have seemed willing to reopen the pains of segregation and racism, willing to turn a divide in America into a chasm from which we may never recover… in short, they are willing to risk the future of liberty and justice in this country… in order to in. In their own minds, they are prepared to and must win at all costs, costs which we Americans will be forced to pay.

Are we going to be to blame for this travesty, or are we going to continue to assert our positions?

Sunday, September 27, 2009

HEALTH CARE: There's Much More Bad We Haven't Been Told

1. Not only do illegal aliens get free health care, they are specifically exempt from paying for it.
2. A board of medical review will decide whether or not you get treatment.

There's a whole lot more you need to know about...straight from the language of the Bill:

You really need to finish watching this guy, because he tells it exactly like it is and should be told:

Please... Watch them both

Our Congress and our President are about to impose on us, against our will, the worst disservice to our country that has ever been perpetrated by anyone, including the Japanese at Pearl Harbor.

No wonder the U.S. Senate just voted to refuse to allow you to see it before they vote on their bill.

Friday, September 25, 2009



The Department of Health & Human Services has sent a letter to insurance companies warning them not to communicate to their policy holders on company positions or information regarding the proposed government-run health care plan. The Department of Health and Human Services on Monday sent out a broad directive to all Medicare Advantage participants, telling them to "immediately discontinue all such mailings" and to remove any such material from their Web sites. DHHS has explained that they don't want the public to be "misinformed."

Nine months into Obama's Presidency, his Cabinet Secretaries are now into censorship, a direct violation of the First Amendment?