Wednesday, October 06, 2010


Remember the Health Care Plan that nobody wanted? Remember that no one gave a damn what we wanted and that they voted it in anyway?

Here comes the Mosque.

Developers have now released the design drawings for their new facility. Although it is claimed that the money to build the Mosque has not been fully raised, work to demolish the existing structure could start within days, not more than a week or two away. In fact, the money could already be in an off-shore account awaiting last-minute transfer into a New York bank.

The news media has been strangely silent, as if the White House told them all to shut up and not to report on the matter. In the meanwhile, Osama Bin Laden is once again on the muscle, threatening that he and his followers are going to do some serious damage in Europe and, maybe, the United States. This is all Muslim activity and we’re less than a year away from the tenth anniversary of 9/11.

When are we going to get the guts to stand up and do something about what our government is allowing to be done to us?

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