Friday, July 19, 2013


As expected, testimony on The Hill yesterday revealed that a top political appointee of the White House at the IRS was "in charge" of delaying all applications from conservative groups.  Carter Hull, a top administrator at the IRS said that he was taking orders from William Wilkins, the political appointee and Chief Counsel for the IRS.  Hull repeatedly said that he was not told specifically to hold up applications. But he confirmed that after meeting with the chief counsel's office, applications were eventually taken out of his control and forwarded on for "further review," which he said rarely occurred.

The committee also heard from Elizabeth Hofacre from the Cincinnati Office and Inspector General J. Russell George, who originally spilled the beans.  Democrats spared no words in trying to blame George for starting a political vendetta against the President, but failed to address the fact that the bad news came out after the November elections and not before. 

It was clear from the testimony that Lois Lerner is a central figure in everything that has been reported so far.  Although she claimed the Fifth Amendment when called to testify last month, Committee Chairman Darrell Issa has said he intends to call her back. 

My guess is that William Wilkins and Lois Lerner will soon be awarded Executive Privilege by Obama. 

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