Monday, July 08, 2013


They always like the stincking stuff that can't pass the smell test to ooze out when the press and media are not paying attention and while we are out partying. 

Well, we all know that Barry and Eric told Robert Mueller and the FBI to be the ones to investigate the IRS.  Then we know that a few weeks later, Robert was asked who was in charge of the investigation and he didn't have the slightest idea.  Then, of course, there was Lois Lerner, who batted her eyes at Congress and told them how innocent she was, and then pleaded the Fifth Amendment. 

Wednesday, just as the parties were starting and the press and the media ran out of stuff to report on the Zimmerman trial, someone brought out the point that the FBI has yet to talk to any of the conservative groups or individuals that were targeted for audits or delayed issuance of a 501 (c) (4) status.  And by Thursday, while we were all headed to the convenience store to reload on party materials, Lois "The Innocent," faced with a potential Contempt of Congress citation, suggested that she might be willing to go ahead and testify after all... if she's granted immunity from prosecution for what she has to say. 

And then I started to think... Is this all just one big, fat charade, or what?  First, there was Fast & Furious.  Eric and his boys rushed out, gathered all of the evidence and stonewalled Congress.  Eric even received a Contempt of Congress Citation over that, and where did that get us?  Assertion of Executive Privilege by Barry.  And all of the huffing and puffing from Congress that, by God, we ARE going to get to the bottom of this, Fast & Furious is ancient history, relegated to the "stories that might have been." 

Did the FBI ever really investigate the Benghazi Massacre, or was that also just a dog and pony show, and where is all of THAT evidence?  Has the FBI even decided yet to assign one agent... any agent... to the IRS investigation?  Will the DOJ ever investigate the DOJ, and who's in charge of that evidence?  What about the NSA surveillance of Americans and who, besides the Billy Graham organization, has actually been surveilled?  Is all of this huffing and puffing by Congress just all for show?  Are Barry, Eric and Congress simply massaging the public prostates?  

Are we simply figments of our own imaginations?  Do we care?  Will we ever have had enough of all of this horseshit? 

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