Emperor Barack Husein Obama declared all scandals to be phony history yesterday and declared that the nation must turn its attention to jobs. He stopped short of adding, "Or else."
I see. The IRS admission that it had been targeting conservative groups and groups with "Tea Party" or "Patriot" in their names did not take place? We never heard it? The NSA admission that it has been collecting all of this data, the DOJ admission that it targeted the Associated Press and FOX... all of those scandals never existed and none of those "confessions" occurred.
So, it turns out, there is no one to blame. That's a pretty darned convenient position to take on the day that we found out that William Wilkins, his political appointee as Chief Counsel at the IRS, met with Obama personally before Wilkins issued a list of new targets and strategies to the IRS, as the White House visitor's log of April 23rd attests. Then, of course, there was the initial White House denial that such a meeting took place; now, the story is that the IRS was not discussed? Why was Wilkins there, except maybe for an Easter Egg roll?
I should add that this is the umpteenth time Obama has turned to the issue of jobs since he took office, but he has yet to do anything for jobs.
Well, he IS the Emperor and whatever he proclaims or declares is the law of the land, right?
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