Wednesday, July 31, 2013


WASHINGTON, (UPI) –  Americans should be worried that their smartphone use, text messages and Web surfing as well as phone calls, can be logged by Washington, U.S. Sen. Ron Wyden warns.
“The government will not state clearly what the rules are with respect to tracking Americans on their cellphones, and I have asked this repeatedly at public hearings in the Intelligence Committee,” the Oregon Democrat and member of the Senate Intelligence Committee told the C-SPAN program “Newsmakers.”

“I can’t get into the details of any specific operation, or whether it’s being conducted, but … having that computer in your pocket increases the potential that certainly people could be tracked 24/7,” he told the program, which aired Sunday.  “Under the Patriot Act, the government’s authority to collect is essentially limitless.” 

What has transpired since the first of the current scandals hit the news about two months ago is that we have advanced from meek confessions and finger-pointing to a bold and in-your-face, "W don't care whether you like it or not, we're going to continue doing it. We have no one to blame but ourselves, for allowing this to happen to us. 

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