Saturday, August 24, 2013


Well, we all know that Obama had nothing to do with Fast & Furious, the Benghazi Massacre, the I.R.S. targeting, the D.O.J. monitoring of the press or the N.S.A. "accidental" spying on millions of Americans, correct?  I'm sure Hillary would be the first to say that all of these events were part of a vaaaast right wing conspiracy.  You guessed it: I'm writing this on Friday afternoon and I'm into the sauce already. 

When the heat got to be almost unbearable on the Benghazi Massacre, the White House popped up with the "we know who did it" story and said they were gong after the bad guys.  Two weeks later, we're supposedly telling our guys to get out of Libya and get home while the getting is good; we're calling off that "chase and capture" scenario.  But, is that the real story, or is it more cover-up? Did we even send anyone to Libya? 

I've said for months, ever since it happened, that there is some really serious issue involved in the Benghazi story that Obama was willing to risk his reelection on in order to stonewall.  I believe his trip to Vegas was his way of trying to wash his hands and walk away from the dirty mess.  I further believe that he is preventing the 30 or so people who were at Benghazi from coming forth because they collectively know enough to end his Presidency.  That being said, does he really want the perpetrators to be brought to justice, where they in turn might spill whatever beans there are to spill? 

Don't you wish Edward Snowden knew something about Benghazi? 

As it stands, the only thing WE know about Benghazi is that the four State Department people who were "fired" but kept on the payroll anyway are now back on the job.  That's the sum of it; that's all we know, one year later. 

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