Saturday, August 03, 2013


Not wanting to be blamed for "phony" scandals, the Democrats and the Administration have been pulling out all of the stops to keep any testimony of value or any pertinent documents involving any of those "phony" scandals from coming out until the August vacation hit.  Now, they can all flitter away from the crime scene and when they come back... it'll be budget time and there'll be no time to get back into the scandal hearing mode. 

It's up to you and me to make sure that doesn't happen.  When they are out and about in the hinterlands, we need to nail them on just what it is they intend to do about getting answers for us.  When they go back, we need to have their mailbags and email boxes so full of noise that they can't hear themselves think.  

Every single one of these "phony" scandals is serious stuff, where people have gone to jail in the past.  Someone is to blame and someone has the answers.  We simply can't allow those people to be intimidated and threatened into keeping their mouths shut; the fact that such threats are being made is prima facie evidence that something criminal has been going on.  We cannot give up until the truth comes out. 

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