Wednesday, January 09, 2019


That sums up the Democrat position on the border wall.  Trump is an egotistical crackpot and anyone who believes in him is a deplorable racist. 

One realistically has to ask himself: What has Trump to gain by lying to or misinforming the people; what's in it for him if we build a wall that is not needed?  I see no political gain and a whole lot of flack down the road when it is supposedly going to be proved that the wall is a useless eyesore.  On the other hand,  if the Democrats can prevent the wall from being built at all, they score a huge political victory over Trump while keeping the southern border wide open for people who will vote for them to simply walk right over.  

So, those of us who know better, in their minds must be ostracized, criticized, marginalized and made to feel like we are escapees from a nut house.  

One last point:  None of them has the intelligence to get their way out of a wet paper bag... so who is really behind the scene, pulling the strings? 

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