Friday, November 18, 2016


I just saw a headline on a NEWSMAX MAGAZINE that reads "We Cannot Be Free And Ignorant."  That is the understatement of the century.  

Dictatorships and totalitarian regimes rely on keeping the populace ignorant.  It's commonly referred to as "dumbing down the people."  You control what they are taught in schools and universities, you control the press and the media and you toss anybody who tries to tell the truth or to intervene into the hoosegow... or you find some other convenient way to marginalize them.  Sounds familiar?  

Right now, as of this very moment, left-wing, radical socialist progressive people have total influence in our high schools, colleges, press and media, and anyone who speaks up gets hit with endless miles of vitriolic verbiage intended to shame them into submission.  Allowing all of this to happen to us and our children is a sin against freedom.  

We have allowed this increasing encroachment on our rights and freedoms to continue unabated.  We have not stood up and demanded the proper and unbiased teaching of our students and we have not brought the media and the press to task for their errant behaviors.  We haven't been forceful enough in educating ourselves or our children about what is really going on in the halls of Washington.  Stunned, we ask ourselves how a Clinton could get away with what they have done to our national security and our foreign policies.  

How did that happen?  It happened because Americans were kept in the dark, an active and very broad cover up existed at all levels of government, and we were just too damned involved in computers, the Internet, texting, Tom Brady and everything else in the world to give a turtle's ass about it. 

Ignorance really is not bliss; ignorance leads to slavery. 

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