Monday, November 14, 2016


With all of the riots and demonstrations going on around the country, you'd think the man deserving that moniker would be Donald Trump.  It's not.  Instead, the title belongs to one James Comey, Director of the illustrious FBI.  

The Trumpers don't like him because he didn't do his job the way he's supposed to, according to the laws he is supposed to uphold.  American citizens don't like him because he waffled, flip-flopped and eventually bowed to the pressure of his political friends in high places.  Obama and Lynch don't like him because he informed Congress that more evidence had been discovered which needed investigating, and they had both bluntly told him to keep his damned mouth shut.  Native Americans don't like him because he speaks with a forked tongue.   A few of his FBI agents don't like him, because they feel he covered for Clinton and now.... well, Hillary has come out to blame him for costing her the presidency.  

If he had just done his job according to the laws and to the standards of the FBI which he is supposed to uphold... perhaps he'd be considered by everyone involved to be a man of honor and integrity.  As it is, rumor has it that even the illegal Mexican who has been mowing Comey's grass doesn't like him. 

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