Wednesday, November 16, 2016


Bernie Sanders has pulled his head out of the sand and is taking the Democrat "establishment" to task.  He says the media and establishment don’t understand there are “there are tens of millions of people, who are not racists, who are not sexist, they’re hurting.” 

Of course, he's totally correct.  

"What is the Democratic Party? You know what concerns me very much, we have a lot of Democrats who spend much of their life, you know what they do much of their life? They’re out raising money from wealthy people. Out raising — now, in day and age, as a result of Citizens United, money is very important. I know it, but you can’t just spend your entire life raising money from the wealthy people. What Trump was doing, to his credit, he was going out holding rallies. He was going all over this country. He was going in rural areas, where candidates previously did not go.” 

In other words, Sanders is blaming the Democrats for losing the election.  Isn't that refreshing?  One out of 55 million Democrats knows where the blame really belongs and is even willing to say so.  

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