Wednesday, September 02, 2009


As I traveled along Interstate 80 on my way from California to Wyoming, I passed the American Tea Party caravan that was on its second day of a coast-to-coast tour; its mission: to hold rallies and raise awareness of the many problems facing our nation today, from taxes to runaway spending to the national economy, to cap and trade and to national health care. I honked at them and waved at them. I was probably one of tens of thousands of people who will honk and wave by the time their trip is over on September 11th in Washington, D.C.

In the one week since this blog last was written, the winds have changed direction. Americans are heeding the warnings and they are listening closely to what is being said or printed, by whom and to whom. And, as Americans are discovering for themselves that what has been said here and in "MY AMERICAN OPINION," is the truth and has always been the truth, they are coming to grips with the fact that our country IS in serious jeopardy.

Liberty, freedom and justice are under attack from every direction. Members of Congress and our President have set a course for this nation that can only end in violence and loss of life; it must be stopped at all costs. And, when we stand up and ask questions and point out our concerns, they are "playing dumb" and turning a deaf ear because most of them know in their hearts and souls that we are right and they don't have the guts to admit it. They prefer to talk us down, call us names, and to bully and intimidate us instead of admitting the errors of their ways.

Members of Congress. Mr. President. This year on September 11, 2009, America will be reborn, and there is not one damned thing you can do to stop us.

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